Kathy McDonald on tue 30 jan 07
Here is another take on ways to trim large bowls or
I often throw my large bowls in sets of 15-20 so that I can
time and make a chuck of a large centered hump of clay so
they can
all be trimmed at once.
I have a couple of wheels.... so this may not be practical
for everyone
because it does tie up the wheel for a bit.
The chuck can be thrown to conform with the inside curvature
of the
bowl , platter , or plate and allow it to set up for a
couple of hours.
Takes a bit of practice to get the size and curve right, but
even if it's not exact
it still works well.
Moisten some newspaper and apply it gently to the surface of
hump so that at least the surface coming into contact with
other clay form is covered. Make sure there is some space
your pot to be trimmed and the wheel head
let this set up for a couple of hours of blow dry it with a
heat gun to take off excess
moisture. Then trim away. I haven't lost bowls due to rim
cracks since I started to do this years ago.
The chuck can be modified to trim other forms by removing
the newspaper
and tooling off some clay if need be.
Its a bit impractical to do for 1 or 2 pots but sure is a
great way to trim a run of pots.
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