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ot--waterville, kansas

updated sun 18 feb 07


C. A. Sanger on sat 17 feb 07

I am contemplating relocating to the Waterville, Kansas area. Does anyon=
e know of any other potters, or other artists, living in that area? Than=
ks, C. A. Sanger

stephani stephenson on sun 18 feb 07

dear C.A. Sanger

i had a wonderful visit with Inga Bow in Abilene
Kansas, a ways down the road from Waterville, but in
midwest and western plains scale , not all that far.
Inga and Bob bow have a wonderful studio right near
the old downtown, and Inga's work is lovely and she
is a great person to talk with. (Bob wasn't in the day
i was there)

here's the website:

also the Lawrence area would be a good place to find
out maybe where other area potters are.

good luck , (i have a whole bunch of family in
Hutchinson ,Burrton and other parts of KS as well...
Stephani Stephenson

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