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black non-corroding wire-source.

updated mon 5 mar 07


Sam or Mary Yancy on sun 4 mar 07

There is a aircraft safety wire that is almost black in color and is a HIgh temp wire an conductive- it is used to safty wire bolts and nuts/parts on aircraft jet engines (high temp applications) The material is usually inconnel (something stronger than stainless steel at high temp). It comes in .025, .032. .041 diameters and perhaps thicker. Suggest call a local airport (easiest way) and if they have some high temp inconell wire for engines, (they should) ask for a sample or a look at it. You can also find it by looking up aorcraft safety wire on the Net. But you might want to cneck out the color first. Aircraft safety wire comes in many diameters and materials and is great for many used (stainless steel wire is ductule and shiny and strong, brass wire is brass colored and not as strong, inconnel wire is usually almost black in color. and very stong at high temperatures. All are very inexpensive in rollls. All . can be SILVER soldered (not just any solder) , crimped
or twisted to hold on place good luck - it should word fine. Sam in Daly City

>I am making myself crazy searching on the internet and realized that
>someone on the list may know where I can find what I'm looking for. I
>want a wire in the 18-24 guage range that is black, but will not rust
>or corrode. I want to use it in a project for an electric fence.