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500 tiles ftp entry deadline extended to march 23!

updated thu 8 mar 07


Suzanne Tourtillott on wed 7 mar 07

We've received the okay to extend the deadline for FTP-uploaded entries for
500 Tiles to March 23.

Please understand we can't spare the staff time to walk you through the ftp
process if you're not very tech-savvy. (Actually, the only reason we've been=

able extend this particular deadline is because you, the artist, are saving
us the time it takes to open the CD, confirm that the image has been named
the same name as on the entry form, and rename the file if you haven't
followed the directions on our guidelines. That usually takes an incredible
amount of time, and our deadlines were previously set to allow us the time
to do that processing.) So, now that our art department has realized how
time-saving this ftp strategy is, we've been given an extension on how late
we can receive digital entries.

So browse on over to the Lark Books site Click on
Work with Lark, then Designer Entry Forms, and find the 500 Tiles link.
Download the entry form and most especially the guidelines, where you'll
find the ftp address, username, and password. Be sure to read the Naming and=

Submitting Entries section--we must delete entries not correctly named. You
must still follow up by mailing the original, signed entry form and
printouts of the images.

If you're new to ftp but are game to try it, email me and I'll send you some=

ftp software setup instructions. But again, we can't help beyond that. We're=


And thanks to those of you who made today's deadline...we realize you
probably broke land-speed records to get things to us, and we appreciate you=

the mostest.

Good luck,
Suzanne Tourtillott
Ceramics Editor =95 Senior Editor
Lark Books