Sue Beach on fri 9 mar 07
My experience with Caribbean Sea Green has also been that it was more blue than
green. Haven't worked with it enough to decipher why, but you are not alone
with this.
Sue Beach
Muncie, IN
Quoting Leigh Whitaker :
> Thanks Barbara and Lisa!
> I hope that they were just too thin. Would that make the Caribbean Sea
> Green bluer rather than greener?
> I am not too disappointed. It would have been cool if they had turned out
> perfect the first time, but I didn't expect them to really. All the tests
> were either on test cups or kind of garbag-ey first class bisqued stuff that
> I
> didn't like so it's not like I ruined a great piece or anything.
> Anyway, I wasn't sure how thick to mix them. I added about an equal weight
> of water, but then they didn't brush well, so I took some water out and put
> in some already dissolved CMC. I'm not sure exactly how much I took out.
> Now
> I'm fearing I'm going to veer to far in the other direction and get them
> too
> thick. I think I will be putting some tiles underneath these tests since
> we
> are charged $45 if we drip on a shelf. Gaah!
> Thanks again!
> Leigh
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