pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on fri 9 mar 07
mentions, or, my 2nd reply to his...
Hi Vince,
I wrote a nice detailed reply to your post below...but I
So, I will make another reply, shorter this time, maybe...as I amble amid
the writ, below...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vince Pitelka"
>I changed the subject line from "Re: cutoff wire/cutoff fingers/never
> again," because I wanted to get everyone's attention.
> Phil Poburka wrote:
>> I have never worn any sort of face shields or safety glasses or anything
>> like that...and I have mixed emotions about their use generally since to
>> me
>> they seem to encourage bad habits in various ways.
> Dear Phil -
> There is so much to admire and emmulate in your approach to tools and
> craftsmanship,
Thank you...
> but the above surprised the hell out of me.
Oh no, it is entirely consistant in every way...with everything...with me, I
> You must have
> some sort of guardian angel looking after your eyes, to have gone so long
> without wearing any sort of eye protection.
I just note where the shit flys, or where it would fly, when there IS some
test or routine or intuition or past experience to have established 'where'
and how particles, debris, or sparks or whatever have some path they will
assume under some conditions...and I note 'why' they assume the paths they
do, and I do not put my Eyes "there" in their path.
It is very simple...
It is all exigencys, and, their ways...
And, it is a deference to them...or, at-once, to me as well...
> Please, anyone else who read Phil's message, assume that some sort of
> supernatural powers have been protecting Phil's eyes, and that NO ONE else
> ever has such protection. Please ALWAYS wear eye protection when there is
> any possibility of flying debris.
Well. sure...
And, observe how things work...observe what things 'do'...when do they do
what they do? How do they do it...
What are we doing? How are we doing it? How do we pay attention? Are we
paying attention?
Are we imposing some rote or habit on something, are we intimitely involved
in some involvement or interaction? Or just partly 'there'?
Is the Machine, and the Materials between us and the Machine...are they yes
or no doing exactly what we are asking them to do in any given moment?
Far as I could ever tell, they always 'do' exactly what we are actually
asking them to do, in so far as our interaction with them is taken literally
by them...
What are we asking them to 'do'?
> Phil, I think I might have some idea of the "bad habits" you refer to.
The bad habits essentially involve impositions on Machines and Materials
which arise from complaisency, or forcing them...useing force instead of
understanding, or ignoreing them, or where only some aspects of the whole
are being recognised or acknowledged.
This is true with everything...for everyone, always...it is always of some
One can be driving with someone in that person's car, the person has a Radio
playing, they always have a radio playing...one slightly hears some tiny
sound of a light muffled 'ticking'...one faintly smells 'hot' Metal...one
asks them "Will you kindly turn that god damned Radio "OFF"...and they
do...one listens a few moments, one says "Pull over...I wanna check
And in that moment as they are pulling over, the Smog Pump's bearing locks
up fatally, the serpentine belt snaps, and the Power Steering Pump shaft
bent from the stress, and...
Meanwhile, 'you' ( unlike them) would have p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y scented/heard
this miles ago...and done something about it before the catostrophic
They have 'air bags'...why should they care?
I hate modern Cars anyway, but I have had things like this happen when I was
a passenger in them...
Lots of people drive...few pay attention to more than some few aspects of
what they are doing.
I never have my head or body in line with the Fan of a running Engine...
Many people lean over from the front to goose the throttle and rev it,
especially after doing a tune up or something.
I decided when I was like 14 or so I would never do this. I decided it from
seing others doing it and some of me thought "You know, some day, some Fab
Blade could be bent a little, fatizue from minute flexing in use, and work
harden 'there' at the root and when someone revs it, one way or another,
that Blade could fly let go..."
Then, over the years, one hears of situations where someone was leaning
over, or someone just standing to the side watching when someone else goosed
the throttle, and, rare as it is, sometimes the the Fan can shed a
blade...and someone gets it right trhough the face or side of the hear or in
the throat or wnatever...this does happen...
Easy to avoid...one does not stand in line "with" it...
Like that...in endless ways...everything...little things...everything...
> Altogether too often, I have seen the community safety goggles hanging by
> the bench grinder in a terrible condition, scratched up and partially
> obscured with dust and grease, and that makes for a very dangerous
> situation. It is essential that safety glasses and face shields be kept
> in
> good shape, and that they are replaced as soon as they become at all
> obscured. Aside from that, it is pretty hard to imagine any "bad habits"
> that could justify not wearing proper eye protection.
Standing in line with the Grinding Wheel when one turns the Bench Grinder
"on" is a "Bad Habit"...and one in which safetyglasses will be little
consolation if the Wheel disintegrates just as it comes to or reaches speed.
Hair...from Irish Setter's long bushy Tails, a Girl Child with long hair
waling up to see what one is doing, a Z.Z.Top kinda Beard, or long haired
pal stopping by who leans over to pick up something off the ground next to
the Grinder whuile one is running it...
Habits of circumspect...
But my question was - what are they/we/whomever doing? How are they doing
it, for there to be particles or whatever comeing "up" to threaten their
Eyes in the first place?
Not having examined 'this' and made sensible changes about it..."is"...a
'Bad Habit'...
I do not have any such particles comeing "up" when I am Grinding...
Why would others?
> My god, man, you've
> only got two eyes. If you loose one due to a flying fragment, you've only
> got one left, and a FAR greater chance of ending up with NONE, and
> wouldn't
> that put a huge crimp in your very fine craftsmanship!
Again, a flying fragment from 'what'? As a matter of routine practice or
From a disintegrating Wheel, failing catastrophically just AS it somes up
to, or has come up to speed?
I have recommended that one does not stand in the Wheel's line when the
Machine is turned on...and, that one let it come to Speed for a little bit
and stay there before one bnegins one's Grinding tasks...as well as top make
sure the path of a possible disintegration is clear of people and whatever
I have recommended one not Grind with any force on the 'sides' of Grinding
I have recommended on understand 'what' one is doing...
To me, this the best 'Safety'...
This is all SO general also...
Grinding 'what'?
Grinding Berrylium? Grinding Plutonium? Grinding a Crystal Glase drib on the
base of Pot-Vase? Grinding a Cold Chisel?
Every kind of item has to it some possibly important or special potential
And, the essence of my assertions, is that if one elects to wear Eye
protection or not, or, for only some occasions or situations, or for all of
them, one does so most happily when one also understands the rest of it as
much as reasonably possible.
I even outlined a general scheme for a "quiet" and effecient Pot Grinding
Machine one could make which would be totally free from particle or
disintegration scenarios as well as that it would make no airborne dusts...
It layed there like a dead fish...!
> I don't expect that my words will convince you of anything, but in some
> corner of my mind, I will be worrying about you working at grinders and
> planers and other dangerous equipment without any eye protection.
Likely we were not really thinking of the same things in our imagined
Best wishes!
Thanks for the fun...
> - Vince
> Vince Pitelka
> Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
> Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111
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