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banding lather-leigh whitaker

updated sun 11 mar 07


Candace Young on sat 10 mar 07

Visited Wedgewood Pottery in England and was astounded to see that they
used lathes in making many of their pieces. A pot would be thrown off the
hump to a specific thickness and set aside. Then another potter would take
the pot and position it on a lathe and used tools to shape the outside to a
specific template. Don't remember how it was secured to the lathe as we
had to move along and couldn't get close enough to speak with the potter.
I once saw a glass harmonium, an instrument invented by Benjamin Franklin
where glass bowls were mounted on a tube horizontally and played with the
fingertips. I thought that it would be a great way to band pots. Fun
instrument too.


From: Leigh Whitaker
Subject: You know what would be useful?
Candace Young Mailto:

Bay River Pottery
pob 394
Bayboro, NC 28515