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spectrum's milk and honey glaze comment

updated fri 16 mar 07


Randy McCall on wed 14 mar 07

Alisha thanks for the comment. I called Spectrum and talked to a person in
the lab. He said that this glaze was not suppose to run at Cone 6 and
wanted me to send him a sample of the batch that was sent to me. I sent him
that, plus a piece of the piece that it destroyed. Cleaned my shelf where
it ran.

One grip I have with Spectrum is that most glaze companies give you some
type of instructions with the glaze and tell you whether it is prone to run.
I got very little on glaze application.

They shouldn't advertise that it is a Cone 6 glaze if it wouldn't work at
that temp.

I used their Kiwi glaze and it turned out fine.

I guess I had better test the Oasis glaze I have not tried.

South Carolina
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