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african violet pots revisited

updated wed 21 mar 07


Rachel Campbell on tue 20 mar 07

Hi again,
Some of you may remember that a few months ago I asked for critiques
for my latest approach to African Violet Pots... I got lots of good
suggestions and things to think about; in addition, I found that the
clay I was using for the inner pot didn't "draw" the water into the
pot as well as I would like.

As a result, I've now done a NEW iteration... this time with
Highwater's Little Loafer (a white Cone 6) for the outer pot, and
slightly different glazes, with Standard's white low-fire clay for
the inner pot. New clay, new glazes, and some changes in design.

SO-- once again, if you aren't tired of looking at them, I'd love to
hear critiques of the latest version...

And for a comparison, here's the "history"-- first, second and third
generation pots...,%202.html

Thanks for the feedback! :-) Rachel in Odenton, MD

louroess2210 on tue 20 mar 07

On Mar 19, 2007, at 11:30 PM, Rachel Campbell wrote:

> my latest approach to African Violet Pots...

Hi Rachel, You have a great web site and some lovely pots.
I don't know how big your pots are but I saw an African violet pot
once that had the back side flattened so it would fit better on a
windowsill. Seemed like a logical idea, for what it's worth.
All the best, Lou