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outer circle and k-12/glaze basic and lesson plans

updated sat 24 mar 07


Mary V Leither on fri 23 mar 07

I love the idea of the outer circle. I also feel we as potters need to be
involved in introducing children to clay experiences before they enter
college by helping educators better understand how to adapt their multi-
purpose art classrooms to effectively teach ceramics and to share good
lesson plans or volunteer time. Many art educators have only a basic
understanding of ceramic properties or techniques which leaves them ill
prepared to make adequate adaptations to facility or lesson plans. Art
educators also don't necessarily subscribe to clay publications! We as
professionals can help by working through the details and providing easy
to follow, quality directions that still teach process. The k-12 site
will have a place for lesson plans. Too many art curriculums no longer
include clay and without it the students entering the world of ceramic
arts are the fortunate few who fell in love with a university clay survey
course they took as a requirement from another art major. Mary