Jacqueline Miller on sun 25 mar 07
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacqueline Miller
Date: Mar 24, 2007 12:20 PM
Subject: NCECA new friends
To: clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
Many thanks to Doris, Kathy, Miki, Barbara, Tracy, the Diana P pack et
al. Special thanks to Doris and the Californians for including me all
the way through. Doris, Your work at Janjobe was fantastic. You made
my first NCECA a true pleasure. I am still coming down and beginning
to settle into post-NCECA life. I love my Barbara Brown mug with its
slate saucer. What luck!!! I have lots of family coming in at the end
of the week and will get to show off my new mugs. I never learned who
received my little white carved bowl. I am not a professional potter
so I hope it was okay. If you are out there in Clayart Land, let me
know. Tracy, let me know when you have a stash of "Tracy mugs." I
would like to buy one.
Recovering in Ohio,
Jackie Miller
Jackie Miller
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