Susan L. Ross on sat 6 sep 97
Hi Everybody --
Thanks to Julie for the tip about the controller in the foot pedal.
I just flashed on another aspect to starting a business. What does one do
about health insurance? Are there any group plans out there for potters or
artists? It occurred to me that is a very important aspect of doing business
that I haven't seen discussed yet. Any info would be helpful...:-)
Ric Swenson on mon 8 sep 97
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi Everybody --
>Thanks to Julie for the tip about the controller in the foot pedal.
>I just flashed on another aspect to starting a business. What does one do
>about health insurance? Are there any group plans out there for potters or
>artists? It occurred to me that is a very important aspect of doing business
>that I haven't seen discussed yet. Any info would be helpful...:-)
You might have luck with the local Chamber of Commerce. Ours offers (dues
paying) Members of the Chamber in small or even individual cases to buy
health maintenance insurance. You might also check with your local or
state arts see if they have an "OPEN ENROLLMENT" plan. Health
insurance is changing daily (Read Koop's AP story today?) HMO s and
Doctor's plans are a burgeoning business. Groups with common interests can
often buy a plan cheaper than an individual of course....unless it is a
group of skydivers maybe?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Standard Disclaimers Apply" "Opinions are my own."
Ric Swenson, Bennington College, Route 67 - A, Bennington, Vermont 05201
- 6001
802 442 - 5401 vox 4621 fax 4582 or direct fax 802 442 - 6164
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