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business - liability & insurance

updated wed 22 aug 12


heading #datesubject
copyright 22 aug 10 copyright, patents,sales
116 may 10 [spam] re: copyright
3115 may 10 copyright
915 may 10 copyright c ???
115 may 10 copyright symbol
819 feb 10 facebook: it owns copyright on your images
117 feb 10 i got it wrong!! re: facebook: it owns copyright on your imag=
116 feb 10 i got it wrong!! re: facebook: it owns copyright on your images
428 jul 09 slipcasting objects - copyrights
117 oct 08 business, llc, copyright
48 jun 08 copyright and glazes
13 jun 08 copyright legislation
112 feb 08 copyright on tee shirts/sexism /shuttle
19 feb 08 copyright on tee shirts/sexism
1124 sep 07 artwork copyright?
121 sep 07 ot: preserving old photos. was: re: artwork copyright?
123 feb 07 flames and copyright (ot)
222 feb 07 flames and copyright
119 dec 06 fast, effective online copyright enforcement
122 feb 06 copyright on clayart
219 feb 06 copyrights, raising the bar
34 feb 06 taxile doat -- copyright and fair use and all that
113 jan 06 copyright laws
313 jan 06 ups, copyright laws, website
129 nov 05 yahoo site (copyright)
218 apr 05 ***tip of the week/ copyright***
116 apr 05 ***tip of the week/ copyright*****
113 dec 04 copyright question
213 dec 04 copyright question?
112 dec 04 receiving a copyright and certificate of registration
1014 jul 04 quotes and copyrights
123 mar 03 china trade/copyrights
120 mar 03 what part of art can be protected by copyright?
521 mar 02 "clayart" acers copyright or trade mark?
420 mar 02 logo/copyright.important
11 feb 02 glaze 'copyrights' (was walking on eggshells)
27 jan 02 : copyright, publications, etc....
17 jan 02 chinese clayart news feb 2002, china tour, copyrights.
17 jan 02 defending the writers/copyrights debate
16 jan 02 expired copyrights
15 jan 02 copyright, publications, etc....
25 jan 02 copyright, publications...and coffee
14 jan 02 copyright was sharing
33 jan 02 ex-librarian's 2 cents on copyright
122 dec 01 copyright versus patent
421 dec 01 copyrighting
320 dec 01 copyrights
130 apr 01 your urls please / copyright on sucaws
227 mar 01 new info on copyrights.
514 mar 01 no response to call for photos about copyright
126 feb 01 copyright [answer long]
226 feb 01 copywrite (copyright)
123 feb 01 copyright reminder
15 dec 00 digital copyright fyi
31 oct 00 copyrights? prison pot
81 oct 00 my copyright philosophy
21 oct 00 reducing enamelled copper art (has been copyright)
129 sep 00 copyright and a lot of credit 1
1729 sep 00 copyrights?
128 sep 00 copyrights,age,death....
212 sep 00 repetition. re: copyright etc...
216 aug 00 copyrights rule and contradictions
110 jul 00 copyright/public domain/read
123 may 00 copyrights/publishers/story
329 mar 00 copyright was:pricing, mugs, etc(long)
124 dec 99 copyright-educational-long
13 sep 99 copyright-again
11 jul 99 artists copyright on yahoo/geocities
129 jun 99 copyright on the web.
28 jun 99 copyright on the web./c and watermark?
27 jun 99 copyright/frank gaydos
331 may 99 copyright on the web. a bit long
517 apr 99 wheel plans/copyright issues
228 nov 98 help!! copyright and design ownership
214 nov 98 copyright was ceramic trends...
113 nov 98 glaze copyright
219 jan 98 copyright glaze recipes?
18 oct 96 wm de morgan on copyright
97 oct 96 copyright infringement & creative ethics
37 oct 96 copyrights and ideas
26 oct 96 best sellers, copyrights and rainy day thoughts
16 oct 96 copyright/dan's dilemma
guarantees 216 oct 07 short posts now guaranteed
429 sep 96 guarantee/exchange/return policy
526 sep 96 guarantee/exchange/return/policy
insurance 121 aug 12 26 year olds and insurance
220 aug 12 26 year olds and insurance--clay art content
31 jun 11 insurance: what it really is
430 may 11 insurance: what it really is (a bit long)
218 dec 10 insurance question
125 sep 10 insurance cat and mouse
823 sep 10 do i need insurance to teach pottery?
2622 sep 10 insurance
119 jan 10 life insurance - potters council
27 nov 09 home and business insurance
420 oct 09 insurance help
229 jul 09 event insurance for vendors
18 sep 08 potters council health insurance
18 jan 08 crafts report-insurance and more
28 jan 08 insurance and shino
112 sep 07 new york state artist health insurance
110 sep 07 packing and insurance
38 sep 07 packing, $100 insurance limit, now $50 limit
57 sep 07 packing, $100 insurance limit
730 aug 07 a bit ot: interesting / childrens health insurance
129 aug 07 health insurance, ny times op ed from tuesday 8/29
225 may 07 insurance for homeowners having kilns-read
725 may 07 is it just me? (health insurance)
220 dec 06 potters and insurance
118 dec 06 my insurance information
112 dec 06 fw: insurance issues/teaching
412 dec 06 insurance issues/teaching
212 dec 06 insurance issues/teaching/aaup?
112 dec 06 insurance issues/teaching/nc
112 dec 06 insurance issues/teaching/
111 dec 06 insurance/mel
216 nov 06 texans, insurance question
216 nov 06 texans, insurance question, recs please
410 aug 06 tony: selling insurance
16 aug 06 selling insurance
202 aug 06 studio insurance
121 jan 06 cancellation insurance
221 jan 06 health insurance alternative for ny potters
113 jan 06 international shipping insurance
1021 aug 05 studio insurance ~ leland's fire
289 mar 05 health insurance
214 dec 04 making insurance interesting
320 jul 04 insurance, lawsuits, morality and such. (long)
119 jul 04 insurance for teaching classes in home studio?
116 jul 04 cheap insurance
227 may 04 ot medi-gap insurance
127 may 04 ot medi-gap insurance - long
32 may 04 forward message, insurance
311 apr 04 shows, pots, kids and insurance
19 apr 04 show insurance
19 apr 04 shows, pots, kids and insurance
13 feb 04 home insurance & kilns
37 jan 04 mass potters home insurance
111 jan 04 health insurance for potters (usa)
331 dec 03 health insurance for potters(usa): msa's
126 oct 03 ot health insurance
125 oct 03 i don't wanna get a "real job"!/insurance
12 sep 03 insurance seminar for artists (sacramento)
12 sep 03 rude replies 2 (was re: insurance)
22 sep 03 working on insurance
21 sep 03 insurance /key west
11 sep 03 insurance typos'
11 sep 03 kathi/insurance
130 aug 03 fw: insurance - from john b.
1527 aug 03 kiln & home owner's insurance
226 aug 03 homeowner's insurance
431 mar 03 back again, insurance/kiln in basement issues
126 mar 03 standard insurance policy
425 mar 03 gas kiln in garage + insurance issue
1522 mar 03 insurance for home with kiln
221 mar 03 home insurance w/ kiln
321 mar 03 insurance for home with kiln / wiring
24 mar 03 health insurance, was ceramics position near atlanta ga
321 nov 02 consigned work insurance
216 nov 02 ups insurance
115 oct 02 insurance / stupid things. pay attention, newbies
19 oct 02 insurance redux/ scary
31 oct 02 gas kiln in garage + insurance
229 sep 02 home owners insurance
128 sep 02 home owners insurance (long)
317 sep 02 insurance for a juried exhibit
14 sep 02 potter's council, ref:health insurance
222 jul 02 gallery breakage - insurance?
1722 jul 02 works breaking in gallery: insurance question
121 jul 02 subject: works breaking in gallery: insurance question
74 may 02 what to do about denied insurance claims on packing
245 apr 02 medical insurance
15 apr 02 medical insurance, msas again
14 apr 02 medical insurance.
13 apr 02 local laws and health insurance
117 mar 02 insurance and art council
320 jan 02 grassroots health insurance
21 jan 02 studios at home and insurance implications
41 nov 01 was money, now sales, promo, insurance
12 jun 01 inland marine insurance
316 nov 00 medical insurance for artists
116 nov 00 medical insurance for artists -- correction
831 jul 00 ups and insurance
110 feb 00 medical insurance findings to date
14 feb 00 acc group insurance
14 feb 00 insurance & all my other questions
22 feb 00 /insurance/short
11 feb 00 master craftsman/insurance/short
93 jul 99 disability insurance
130 jun 99 insurance type information
413 may 99 show disaster insurance
612 feb 99 house sales and insurance
1113 nov 98 help!, homeowners insurance cancelled
210 nov 98 homeowners insurance cancelled
12 nov 98 help! homeowners insurance cancelled
222 oct 98 insurance & ups
24 dec 97 insurance at fairs
28 sep 97 heath insurance
214 aug 97 insurance query
12 aug 97 insurance for clay artists
11 aug 97 more insurance questions
820 jun 97 health insurance for self-employed
120 jun 97 self-employed insurance
121 apr 96 business insurance (long)
219 apr 96 business insurance
19 apr 96 competitions/insurance/expenses (fwd)
18 apr 96 insurance/financial concerns
62 apr 96 competitions/insurance/expenses
11 apr 96 clay shrinkage, insurance for shows
law 418 aug 12 ack! the lawyer can stand it no more!!!
113 apr 12 wrongful birth suits/was; where are the lawyers?
311 apr 12 where are the lawyers?
120 mar 12 gas law
111 aug 11 glaze test tile law of ceramics
2922 dec 10 "art" and "not art", now it's law!
47 nov 09 lawyer types on clayart
317 sep 09 law and suites
218 dec 06 potters & lawyers
117 dec 06 potters and lawyers thinking spacially
114 jan 06 copyright law misconceptions
116 sep 05 trigger: mo-in-law, age 86
118 jan 05 new clayart t shirts. ..not....mother in law blue
117 jan 05 new clayart t shirts..mother in law blue
118 oct 04 law & clay/changing career
117 oct 04 formerly law or art, now lava
117 oct 04 formerly law or art, now lava/obsidian
816 oct 04 law or clay???
411 sep 03 crows and the law
111 jun 03 latex as resist/ and women and the law[s]
228 may 03 cockroaches and lawyers
24 mar 03 mother in law blue
18 jan 03 gallery hours, getting customers, and murphy's law
231 dec 02 cm/mary law
219 sep 02 life changes & my father-in-law
19 may 02 mother-in-law blue
319 apr 02 mother in law/karen
119 apr 02 mother-in-law/mevrouw terpstra
111 apr 02 another potter search / law and order chess set
219 nov 01 kiln designs & patent lawyers
118 nov 01 kiln designs and patents,lawyer?
310 sep 01 lawyers for the arts
210 sep 01 will get lawyer first thing monday!!!!
113 mar 01 copyritght law updated
126 feb 01 copyright(lawyers)
426 feb 01 makin fun of lawyers.
124 feb 01 law suits, hot stoves
215 jan 01 tax law change for tax year 2000
53 oct 00 kilns/law breakers
229 sep 00 needles/syringes california law
426 sep 00 re. syringes and calif. law
112 sep 00 david ballantyne (was re. potter relative-in-law)
511 sep 00 potter relative-in-law
110 apr 99 gallery non-payment-law
17 oct 98 lead law in california
111 sep 98 bankruptcy law
19 mar 98 mary law : soda-fired stoneware at cvc ceramics gallery
127 feb 98 mary law workshop - los angeles (torrance)
120 feb 97 lawyering
1919 feb 97 lawyering question
124 mar 96 tax law
liability 430 may 11 liability
419 sep 10 product liability
425 sep 08 is anyone an llc (limited liability company) in ca?
109 jan 08 liability insurance
36 jan 08 proof of liability insurance, vendor
118 dec 06 a favor, and: product liability risks for individual potters
718 dec 06 product liability risks for individual potters
411 dec 06 open studios tours and liability
111 dec 06 open studios tours and
53 oct 06 galleries &!
129 sep 06 galleries, insurance & liability...
129 sep 06 gallerys liability etc...
328 sep 06 gallerys, insurance & liability...
17 feb 06 fw: liability
15 feb 06 raku kiln video (liability?)
172 jun 05 product liability insurance
213 dec 04 reliability of wireless credit card marchines (nurit 8000)
43 nov 04 liability and lamps
317 jul 04 product liability insurance quote of $2500/year
216 jul 04 and/liability
324 jun 04 liability insurance on ceramics
129 dec 03 hp reliability
322 aug 03 liability license?- is it necessary when teaching at home?
127 jul 03 co-op's/guilds & liability insurance
123 may 03 liability & lawsuits
523 may 03 liability lawsuit
38 may 03 million/product liability
111 mar 03 general liability insurance
128 oct 02 beware fedex ground liability limits
99 oct 02 studio liability with teaching
222 jun 02 product liability insurance
715 mar 02 liability for pots on display
115 mar 02 liability for pots on display:potters and artists get the shaft as
115 mar 02 liability, insurance and reducing losses{repost retry}
114 mar 02 liability/gallery
126 feb 02 ot corporate liability (was: walker pug mills)
14 oct 01 workshop liability waiver
19 sep 01 legal issues - liability protection for the future
18 sep 01 cat--show liability statement
114 jul 01 raku demo public liability - uk
714 jan 01 cones reliability
313 jan 01 reliability of cones
112 jan 01 cone reliability
36 sep 00 clay waste water. an asset, not a liability
127 mar 00 certificate of general liability insurance
830 jun 99 need firms handling product liability
14 sep 97 liability issues
514 jun 97 product liability / wholesale pricing
110 may 97 product liability/informing public
licenses 729 aug 01 license plates and bumper stickers?
1025 aug 01 license plates
120 apr 97 licenses and other inanities of commerce
111 apr 96 license