Richard Jeffery on sat 14 jul 01
-for UK potters only, really -
What experience do other potters in UK have of public liability premiums for
small scale raku demos? My broker initially thought it would be included in
current contract, but after checking he's been quoted about £21 for one day,
£52 for 5.
I have tried to explain how it all works to broker, but fear he may
misrepresented the level of risk, so am planning to write a letter with some
pictures to make it absolutely clear.
Insurer is NGI. I know one other local potter with them who feels it is
included in his premium, but he's not altogether certain they understood the
question at the time.
Any comparison welcome!
And by the way, if you live or work in Dorset, the application forms for
Dorset Art Weeks 2002 (25/5/2002 - 9/6/2002)will soon be available. If
you're new to the area, or think we don't know about you, visit the web site
and register for the newsletter and application form.....
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