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working on insurance

updated wed 3 sep 03


Mitch Kotula on mon 1 sep 03

The Potter's Council is currently working with
insurance companies who are interested in insuring
clay people. Part of the deal is that I am asking
them (their underwriters who determine risk and
actually write the policies) to become "educated" as
to just what we do, the differences between electric,
wood and gas kilns, studio equipment and the nature of
the business.

Another part of the deal is that the policies will be
priced competively and structured so that losses from
other than negligence are well-covered, or at least
covered within the parameters we individually choose
to pay for.

We are trying to get a company with broad coverage so
as to cover as many states and provinces as possible,
as each state in the US has different laws regarding
insurance and insurers.

It looks like we will have some firm bids in the late
fall. Everyone seems very busy this summer, or
perhaps they are recreating and enjoying the weather.
However, we are making progress and will let you know
via Potter's Pages and Clayart when we have something


Mitch Kotula
Development Plus
PO Box 2076
Hamilton, MT 59840-4076
406-961-5136 (Home)
406-546-6980 (Cell)

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Bob Nicholson on tue 2 sep 03


This is very exciting news, and from the frequent posts
on this subject, one of the biggest services Potter's Council
could perform!

At 8:02 AM -0700 9/1/03, Mitch Kotula wrote:
>The Potter's Council is currently working with
>insurance companies who are interested in insuring
>clay people. Part of the deal is that I am asking
>them (their underwriters who determine risk and
>actually write the policies) to become "educated" as
>to just what we do, the differences between electric,
>wood and gas kilns, studio equipment and the nature of
>the business.