on tue 21 aug 12
When I was in Spain I talked to some young people about their lives. Most=
were living at home til they were, interestingly, about 26. While living =
home they worked at jobs, finished education, started their careers.
During those years they were saving money to put toward the time whe=
they would be able to leave home. they saved money to put toward an
apartment, for example. they tended to put off marriage til late twentie=
and childbearing til late 20s, early 30s.=3D20
they were all pretty sensible about it. everyone knew it was very diffic=
to leave high school and afford to make a living in today's world. I also=
noticed that one car would be shared by an extended family. cousins,
siblings parents, and inlaws would use the same car for their errands. n=
one needed a car full time.
sharing resources and costs, saving rather than borrowing, and everybody =
working or going to school , and those going to school were working too.
nothing baby about it.
Stephani Stephenson
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