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updated tue 10 aug 99


Anji Henderson on sat 7 aug 99

Ok, I am almost ashamed to ask about this. I am looking for a crock for water
bottles. You know what I am talking about the 5gal drinking water bottle gets
turned over in it, and there is a spigot to get the water out into your cup.
On this adventure I am not in the mood to make a bunch of them the same size,
I am prone to headaches you know, and I'm not much in the mood to make a mold
for it. Also, I still haven't quite got this slip cast thing down. Seems like
more work than is necessary, why not just throw it. Hehe, I could go in
circles with this for a while. any way long of the short of it there is a
water place near me, they own three stores in the area, and I think they are
potential buyers. So, I was looking for someplace that sells them bisqued, to
avoid monotony for me. Does any one know of a sure fire place?? I am a little
sick of surfing to see pigs, cows and Christmas decorations. Or is that all
that is out there bisque wise??

Alex Wilson on sun 8 aug 99

Hello Anji, you know a little monotony isn't a bad thing and would improve
your throwing skills no end. I've made these things before - very simple and
easy to make with about ten pounds of clay; finding the spigots is the
hardest part of the whole affair.
I think the more monotonous would be glazing and firing someone elses' work.


Anji Henderson on mon 9 aug 99

Possibuly true, but I don't have acces to a wheel yet and I won't be able to
purchase one untill July. See part of my problem is all the wheels in
basements!!! Actuly, Aftosa has three styles of spigots, a few diffrent
stands, an the rings to make a tight seal. Thanks, and I know I will end up
throwing them.. Thats the way things work for me.. :)