# | date | subject |
1 | 11 may 12 |
high temp bisque  |
1 | 11 mar 12 |
why does bisqued ware smell?  |
3 | 25 feb 12 |
bisque mending  |
12 | 12 feb 12 |
hand lotion and bisque  |
1 | 6 feb 12 |
market for bisqueware  |
1 | 5 oct 11 |
steam and bisque  |
1 | 13 jul 11 |
some comments on bisque  |
3 | 3 jul 11 |
tony/bisque  |
7 | 24 may 11 |
cutting fragile bisque  |
1 | 6 apr 11 |
bisque stacking and packaging material  |
1 | 27 mar 11 |
being hateful #1: repairing bisque!  |
1 | 4 jan 11 |
commercial dishes/high bisque  |
2 | 21 aug 10 |
your bisque dilemma  |
19 | 29 jun 10 |
acceptable pot loss during bisque?  |
3 | 27 jun 10 |
acceptable pot loss during bisque  |
23 | 25 feb 10 |
bisque at 07?  |
22 | 25 feb 10 |
bisque temp  |
2 | 25 feb 10 |
to bisque or too bisqued...  |
8 | 18 oct 09 |
washing bisque  |
3 | 5 oct 09 |
hazardous bisque  |
2 | 24 nov 08 |
bisque question  |
1 | 13 nov 08 |
bisque temp/ glaze temp confuison  |
3 | 9 nov 08 |
over cooked bisque  |
1 | 8 nov 08 |
fw: over cooked bisque  |
22 | 24 jun 08 |
bisque  |
14 | 9 apr 08 |
hotter bisque & glaze fit?  |
2 | 30 dec 07 |
lathing bisque  |
1 | 8 sep 07 |
bisque sink  |
6 | 8 sep 07 |
clay color in bisque sinks  |
1 | 26 aug 07 |
donna's bisquing quesiton  |
2 | 2 aug 07 |
loading the electric kiln for bisque-how do you do it?  |
8 | 1 aug 07 |
loading the electric kiln for bisque-how do you do it?  |
5 | 4 jul 07 |
slow bisque  |
5 | 13 apr 07 |
anyone bisque leather hard pots?  |
3 | 3 apr 07 |
patina and painted finishes on bisqueware etc.  |
1 | 4 dec 06 |
choosing a bisque temp.  |
8 | 1 dec 06 |
dirty bisque......  |
7 | 25 nov 06 |
loading bisque  |
23 | 4 nov 06 |
dipping glaze on bare bisque  |
1 | 29 oct 06 |
misc: moving a glaze from bisque to lether hard; ron/john and their  |
2 | 1 oct 06 |
bisque ownership  |
2 | 29 sep 06 |
left over bisque  |
1 | 25 sep 06 |
reving up naked bisque  |
2 | 14 sep 06 |
2 bisque or not 2 bisque advancer shelf  |
6 | 16 aug 06 |
help with broken bisque  |
1 | 7 jun 06 |
bisque washing  |
1 | 5 jun 06 |
washing bisque again thanks to dave f.  |
2 | 28 may 06 |
48 hour bisque  |
6 | 17 apr 06 |
grey bisque: glazable?  |
1 | 23 feb 06 |
painting bisque  |
4 | 26 aug 05 |
compressed air filters/oilers and bisque ware  |
4 | 5 aug 05 |
dear clayart members/patching bisque  |
1 | 4 aug 05 |
humid bisque  |
3 | 20 jul 05 |
loading electric kiln - bisque  |
1 | 4 jun 05 |
permeable bisque and migrating salts  |
2 | 3 jun 05 |
bisque in a gas kiln  |
1 | 17 apr 05 |
bisque worms and toilet trained dogs...  |
1 | 23 mar 05 |
craig/bisque  |
3 | 21 mar 05 |
bisque oil spot glazes  |
1 | 9 mar 05 |
self-cleaning bisque, what a concept  |
4 | 2 jan 05 |
glaze separated from bisque? can i fix it?  |
1 | 2 jan 05 |
glaze seperating from bisque?  |
14 | 20 dec 04 |
sodium silicate on bisque  |
21 | 26 oct 04 |
question/bisque/gasses  |
2 | 15 oct 04 |
: bisque temps again  |
9 | 15 oct 04 |
bisque temps again  |
8 | 15 oct 04 |
cleaning kiln after bisque explosion.  |
1 | 14 oct 04 |
=?iso-8859-1?q?re:______cleaning_kiln_after_bisque_explosion.?=  |
12 | 14 oct 04 |
come on with the bisque vocab already!  |
1 | 13 oct 04 |
cleaning kiln after bisque explosion…  |
1 | 13 oct 04 |
come on with the bisque vocab already  |
1 | 12 oct 04 |
bisque charts ????  |
4 | 8 oct 04 |
bisqueware feet  |
4 | 28 sep 04 |
sanding bisqued work  |
1 | 26 sep 04 |
sanding bisque work  |
10 | 10 sep 04 |
bisque repair  |
1 | 3 sep 04 |
bisque repair/ps  |
3 | 3 sep 04 |
preparing bisque  |
1 | 8 aug 04 |
pop offs on bisque  |
3 | 7 aug 04 |
bisque too hot  |
2 | 23 jun 04 |
john jensen (and re-bisquing)  |
2 | 12 jun 04 |
" now "sanding bisqueware"  |
1 | 10 jun 04 |
was "bill van gilder's show," now "sanding bisqueware"  |
13 | 27 apr 04 |
bisquing in the dark  |
1 | 23 apr 04 |
cone 3 ok for bisque  |
5 | 15 apr 04 |
broken bisqued rim  |
1 | 24 feb 04 |
slow bisque and dry pots  |
6 | 23 feb 04 |
new bisque question  |
2 | 5 feb 04 |
stacking in the bisque?  |
1 | 18 dec 03 |
sponge on bisque  |
2 | 13 nov 03 |
research project / repairing greenware + bisqueware  |
6 | 6 oct 03 |
bisque at ^1  |
1 | 29 sep 03 |
sources for bisque  |
10 | 16 jul 03 |
sooo? what makes my big bottom bisque go booooom.  |
12 | 11 jun 03 |
bisque --better bisque better glaze??  |
3 | 19 mar 03 |
repairs to bisque if that is really possible  |
1 | 19 dec 02 |
no plumbing (was: washing bisqueware)  |
2 | 19 dec 02 |
washing bisqueware  |
1 | 12 dec 02 |
need bisqueware  |
1 | 15 oct 02 |
solid bisque temps  |
9 | 11 oct 02 |
removing colorant from bisque  |
1 | 23 sep 02 |
to rebisque or not?, update  |
4 | 14 sep 02 |
to rebisque or not?  |
1 | 13 sep 02 |
darla and the rebisque  |
1 | 13 sep 02 |
to rebisque or not? part 2  |
1 | 6 sep 02 |
powdery residue from bisqued plants  |
5 | 6 sep 02 |
what is powdery residue left after bisquing plants?  |
1 | 17 jul 02 |
olympic bisque  |
1 | 12 jul 02 |
slow bisque in gas kiln  |
2 | 10 jul 02 |
slow bisque and tamara....long  |
5 | 4 jul 02 |
broken bisque-ware  |
8 | 24 may 02 |
bisqued too high  |
1 | 20 may 02 |
from gas bisque to glazed pots  |
4 | 16 may 02 |
patching bisque  |
2 | 11 may 02 |
how slow to bisque  |
1 | 29 apr 02 |
gas bisque my  |
4 | 28 apr 02 |
gas bisque  |
1 | 25 apr 02 |
bisquing wet work  |
1 | 22 apr 02 |
bisqueing in gas  |
2 | 3 mar 02 |
interupted bisque, quartz inversion  |
1 | 27 feb 02 |
possible freezing of pre-bisque pots  |
2 | 27 feb 02 |
possible freezing of pre-bisque pots. help please. never had  |
6 | 26 feb 02 |
possible freezing of pre-bisque pots. help please. never had to  |
1 | 26 feb 02 |
possible freezing of pre-bisque pots. help please. never had to worry  |
9 | 24 feb 02 |
broken bisque  |
1 | 22 feb 02 |
broken bisque repair  |
1 | 31 jan 02 |
repairing kids bisque  |
1 | 31 jan 02 |
repairing kids' bisque  |
6 | 19 dec 01 |
half-loaded bisque  |
1 | 26 nov 01 |
to re-bisque or not  |
4 | 26 nov 01 |
to re-bisque or not?  |
1 | 9 jul 01 |
bisque, glaze, water  |
6 | 9 jul 01 |
bisqued pieces, glazes and water...  |
4 | 25 jun 01 |
bisque cone question again  |
1 | 20 jun 01 |
low bisque, good glaze.  |
8 | 10 mar 01 |
bisqueware files  |
6 | 8 mar 01 |
repairing bisque  |
1 | 7 mar 01 |
bisqueware files.  |
1 | 6 mar 01 |
bisque ware files  |
1 | 6 mar 01 |
possibility of adding sigillata to bisque 010?  |
1 | 20 dec 00 |
is bisque a necessity?  |
1 | 14 dec 00 |
bisque x2  |
8 | 30 oct 00 |
bisque kilns  |
1 | 29 oct 00 |
bisquex2>>>>>  |
3 | 22 oct 00 |
bisquex2  |
3 | 16 oct 00 |
walker/bisque  |
4 | 15 oct 00 |
bisque boogie................  |
1 | 15 oct 00 |
bisque temp / cone  |
2 | 15 oct 00 |
walker/bisque/ tractors  |
5 | 15 oct 00 |
what is a shim? (was re:bisque)  |
1 | 11 oct 00 |
more on bisque  |
1 | 11 oct 00 |
more on bisque, help requested  |
4 | 9 oct 00 |
soaking the bisque, when, how?  |
7 | 14 jun 00 |
from lazer printer to bisque  |
1 | 28 may 00 |
masking bisqueware - another technique  |
5 | 24 may 00 |
how to mask bisqueware?  |
1 | 21 may 00 |
masking bisqueware  |
2 | 1 apr 00 |
glost/glaze re: where did bisque come from?  |
1 | 30 mar 00 |
biscuit/bisque/biscotti  |
12 | 30 mar 00 |
where did bisque come from?  |
2 | 24 mar 00 |
bisque sanding  |
3 | 10 dec 99 |
tumble stack bisque  |
1 | 7 dec 99 |
bisque2  |
5 | 9 nov 99 |
larger pots/bisque shrinkage  |
5 | 12 oct 99 |
mending bisqueware  |
1 | 15 aug 99 |
bisque temp/kiln calibration  |
3 | 9 aug 99 |
bisque??????????????????  |
12 | 8 aug 99 |
drill holes in bisque?  |
2 | 7 aug 99 |
drilling holes in bisque  |
1 | 6 aug 99 |
fw: drill holes in bisque?  |
1 | 20 jul 99 |
stacking greenware in bisque  |
4 | 7 may 99 |
popping bisque???????  |
1 | 27 apr 99 |
needs to buy bisque frames  |
1 | 21 apr 99 |
mixed media on bisque  |
1 | 2 dec 98 |
stacking bisqueware  |
9 | 6 nov 98 |
broken bisque help  |
4 | 6 nov 98 |
mending bisque  |
10 | 28 sep 98 |
bisque ware that sits  |
1 | 27 sep 98 |
icky bisque/long  |
2 | 27 sep 98 |
wet bisques, preheats, and so on  |
2 | 23 jul 98 |
background on bisquing  |
1 | 5 jul 98 |
new bisqueware line  |
6 | 30 jun 98 |
how long between leatherhard and bisque?  |
3 | 14 jun 98 |
bisqueware source needed  |
1 | 1 jun 98 |
reduced bisque  |
1 | 12 apr 98 |
trowel-eze ? bisque repair  |
2 | 7 apr 98 |
bisque adhesive  |
3 | 5 apr 98 |
bisquing and glazing together  |
11 | 9 mar 98 |
updraft bisque ??  |
1 | 5 mar 98 |
updraft bisque -- sure!  |
1 | 19 nov 97 |
tightly packed bisques  |
1 | 9 oct 97 |
wet bisquing  |
10 | 9 oct 97 |
wet bisquing, was-probably a very stupid question  |
1 | 8 jun 97 |
bisque-ware  |
12 | 22 may 97 |
bisque-fix-it  |
1 | 7 may 97 |
bisqueware/tableware  |
2 | 6 may 97 |
bisqueware dinner/tableware  |
3 | 28 feb 97 |
crazy bisquemend  |
3 | 27 feb 97 |
"and then some..." sarcasm,crazy bisquemend long  |
2 | 10 feb 97 |
bisqueware  |
1 | 26 nov 96 |
bisque effect on glaze?  |
7 | 25 nov 96 |
bisque affect on glaze?  |
4 | 25 nov 96 |
bisque and glaze ramps  |
6 | 30 oct 96 |
bisque and glaze at the same time  |
3 | 4 oct 96 |
how ramp bisque?  |
1 | 27 sep 96 |
repair broke bisque  |
1 | 17 aug 96 |
hot bisque  |
1 | 29 jun 96 |
applying liquid clay to bisque  |