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slow bisque in gas kiln

updated fri 12 jul 02


Chuck and Tamara Schulz on fri 12 jul 02

for all of the great input and advice. Wow, I have learned so much this
I have always fired relatively fast in the electric kiln........ I'll never
do it again I promise.
I knew with the gas kiln I would have to go slower but certainly did not
know all the reasons why.
I yanked out all my books, checked the archives and was more confused than
ever by conflicting or vague information. You guys jumped in and saved me
I've also had some problems with black coring--thought it was something
wrong in my reduction firing. So glad to have that one cleared up.

Well, I fired the kiln yesterday. Had planned to candle the day before
firing but we have 2 typhoons heading our way, so I decided to just do it
while I had the chance.
Candled with just the pilots for a couple of hours then turned the burners
on as low as they would go till about 200 deg.C (which was faster than I
expected so I'll candle longer and try lighting only 2 burners next time)
After that, a slow increase 50-100C/hr to 1000C on the pyro and ^6 just
tipping. Shut her down just after 10 hrs.
So now I'll just wait and see. The proof will be in the glaze firing I

I am really grateful for my new found knowledge but most of all for the
MORAL SUPPORT. It has taken almost 11 months to get my kiln here and get it
properly installed. I did NOT want to take a chance with anything going
wrong in the first firing. I was pretty nervous about it at first but with
some great words of encouragement and all of the firing input --I printed it
and took it with me for reference---I made it through just fine. Crossing my
fingers for the pots.....
I just love this list! Hope to be able to give something back someday.
Thanks again,

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