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updated thu 24 mar 05


mel jacobson on wed 23 mar 05

that is the type of discussion we need.
good science, good information.

that is why i put out my post.
it is not the final answer/just more questions.

remember, lots of folks ask:
what temp? o6, 08...what?
they think if they have an end point that is correct, then
all is well with the world.

as craig just said.
it depends on your clay.
03 may be a perfect end point for you.
never for me.
i fire 08. have for years.
no dunting on my open body.
and, that is MY CLAY BODY.
no simple answers.
each potter finds out by trial and error.
we need quality answers to these complex questions
so we reduce the amount of error.

we need information. clear/well thought out
and solid.
thanks craig.
mel jacobson/minnetonka/minnesota/usa