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sanding bisque work

updated tue 28 sep 04


Rod Wuetherick on sun 26 sep 04


The short answer is yes bisque can be sanded. The longer answer is if you do
indeed need to sand, you should do so outside using a HEPA rated particulate
filter especially if you are to make a habit of it.

Every potter will "occasionally" sand something that they overlooked during
production. The key word here is overlooked. You should not work in a way
that expects to sand, rather you should work in such a way that sanding is
not normal working practice.

Sanding bisque can be a bad habit to get into. Especially if you do not have
a studio and you are doing it in your own home, etc. The microscopic dust is
especially bad for you. It is not what you see that causes the harm it is
what you can't see.

So be careful.
