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looking for an arttist to commision to make original dishware for

updated mon 12 dec 05


Helen Bates on sat 10 dec 05

NYC restaurant

Christopher Bernic (who wants to commission tableware for his New York
restaurant) is a bit modest...

He's the sommelier and an owner of "Terrace in the Sky" at 400 West 119th
Street. See:
and the restarant's website:

Nice place, for sure. Maybe after you get your commission, you'll be able
to afford lunch there? ;)

(Who lives now in Belleville, Ontario, and who has never been to New York
City, but who has been many times to Toronto where there are thousands of
restaurants, of which she has perhaps tried a couple of hundred or so, over
the years... My favourite is "Le Select.")

Jeanette Harris on sun 11 dec 05

NYC restaurant

>Christopher Bernic (who wants to commission tableware for his New York
>restaurant) is a bit modest...
>He's the sommelier and an owner of "Terrace in the Sky" at 400 West 119th
>Street. See:
>and the restarant's website:
>Nice place, for sure. Maybe after you get your commission, you'll be able
to afford lunch there? ;)

You betcha'. I'm wondering, though, if they are prepared to wash the
dishware by hand?
Does anyone out there make plates that would survive commercial dishwashing?

Don't want to rain on anyone's prospects, but I'd think this might be
a point to discuss should anyone be interested in doing this.
Jeanette Harris
Poulsbo WA

Potter's Council member

lela martens on sun 11 dec 05

NYC restaurant

My thinking is it would be up to the commissioner of the work how the ware
was handled, so long as the potter had done their homework and delivered
quality work. After that..

Our guild did a big workshop for a restaraunt here, a lot of fun, mainly
mugs. We did the pot-luck thing and had a great time.
The work was delivered and a couple of us talked to the manager of the place
about a month later. Said he wouldn`t be ordering again anytime soon because
80% of the work had been pocketed by his customers. That, though his
clientel loved the warmness of handmade, he wouldn`t be able to afford to
try it again.

Pictures of NYC..a place on my to do list I have to get back to..the list is
long. Have to try to drive across Canada when mountain man retires.

From Lela on the prairie who is reminded of my daughter`s and my visit
there. So glad we had the chance for that experience together.There are
steel doors on the sidewalks that open to the outside for delivery, etc.We
don`t have them here. Daughter asked me to hold her hand so she wouldn`t
topple into. Gives a mom the warm fuzzies..she`s the one getting her masters
in neuro-science. Waiting for her call of return from honeymoon. I know the
groom held her hand to keep her from walking into things in Cuba..and who is
completely unashamed about bragging of her children every chance she
gets..but the girl has her head in the clouds..also a great photographer.

>>Christopher Bernic (who wants to commission tableware for his New
Does anyone out there make plates that would survive commercial

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