heading |
# | date | subject |
addresses |
1 | 15 aug 12 |
clayart fund address  |
1 | 15 aug 12 |
mailing address for donations-please  |
1 | 7 aug 12 |
the melvin"s address  |
9 | 8 jun 12 |
address  |
2 | 1 jan 12 |
correct address for robin's blog  |
1 | 30 dec 11 |
curtis's address  |
13 | 11 aug 11 |
change of address  |
1 | 13 jul 11 |
kurt's address  |
1 | 26 oct 10 |
estate/moving sale address (atlanta georgia)  |
8 | 3 jul 10 |
address change  |
1 | 9 sep 08 |
steve mills' address  |
2 | 15 jul 08 |
address of katie stauffer memorial art center  |
1 | 3 jun 08 |
posting to clayart listserv from alternate address  |
2 | 15 jan 08 |
new blog........address change  |
1 | 19 nov 07 |
ot: test address and reply format (more)  |
1 | 18 nov 07 |
ot: test address and reply format (ignore)  |
3 | 22 oct 07 |
return addresses  |
1 | 9 oct 07 |
address for archives and clayart read  |
1 | 27 aug 07 |
susan nebeker address  |
1 | 27 aug 07 |
uam 3rd annual cup show prospectus address correction  |
1 | 10 aug 07 |
peeler ceramic films (address change)  |
1 | 28 may 07 |
address for pete pinnell  |
1 | 11 may 07 |
our new address and phone number  |
1 | 25 apr 07 |
flikr address for ep crit  |
1 | 8 mar 07 |
setting reply address to "clayart"  |
2 | 1 dec 06 |
mel's address on the bottom  |
1 | 19 sep 06 |
new address/moving to atlanta area  |
1 | 9 sep 06 |
gary's wreaths, this address does not work from here is it correct?  |
7 | 17 aug 06 |
full address or no?  |
13 | 4 aug 06 |
new address  |
1 | 21 jun 06 |
back on clayart with new address  |
1 | 3 jun 06 |
the right address for a test?  |
1 | 2 jun 06 |
test from good address  |
1 | 30 mar 06 |
fw: change of address  |
1 | 21 mar 06 |
thanks for hubby support & j. moe"s address  |
1 | 16 dec 05 |
a victory for art--address  |
1 | 15 oct 05 |
addresses!!!!!  |
1 | 29 sep 05 |
mr. cushing's address  |
1 | 5 aug 05 |
zapplication address  |
1 | 3 aug 05 |
leland hall address  |
2 | 15 jun 05 |
studio images....site address  |
1 | 10 jun 05 |
returning to clayart- terry sullivan/ new addresses  |
1 | 29 may 05 |
change of address : mareejam@yahoo.com  |
1 | 17 apr 05 |
lela martens, please send mail address  |
2 | 11 apr 05 |
change of address/isp  |
1 | 21 mar 05 |
requesting address  |
4 | 16 feb 05 |
bad address  |
2 | 3 feb 05 |
jared's address - this community  |
3 | 2 feb 05 |
jared's address  |
1 | 2 feb 05 |
testing new address  |
1 | 4 jan 05 |
surfing with helen bates - change of address  |
1 | 20 oct 04 |
koie cooker 2nd. ed address, oops  |
2 | 14 sep 04 |
after the hurricane!! josie's address  |
3 | 18 aug 04 |
donations - bob's mention, addressed...  |
1 | 18 aug 04 |
donations - bob's mention, addressed...but now,  |
1 | 17 aug 04 |
donations - bob's mention, addressed - now, hank's mention...  |
2 | 17 jul 04 |
pva question has been addressed  |
6 | 6 jul 04 |
clayart's archive address down?  |
1 | 6 jul 04 |
thanks all... (was: clayart's archive address down?)  |
1 | 2 apr 04 |
new telephone & address  |
1 | 25 mar 04 |
jared fund - and the possible address problem, considered...  |
2 | 23 mar 04 |
blocking viruses/ clayart/ spam via the clayart address  |
1 | 5 mar 04 |
donation address/jared fund  |
7 | 13 feb 04 |
changing the address/clayart  |
1 | 11 feb 04 |
=?iso-8859-1?q?re:=20=a0=20=a0=20=a0=20changing=20the=20address/?=  |
2 | 31 jan 04 |
martin howard's address  |
1 | 9 jan 04 |
new address fro rr  |
1 | 1 dec 03 |
address for toni smith in ohio  |
1 | 16 nov 03 |
address change for chris schafale  |
2 | 14 sep 03 |
change of provider/address frank gaydos  |
1 | 8 sep 03 |
another new change of address  |
1 | 19 aug 03 |
potterbarter address  |
1 | 16 jul 03 |
making shows better address  |
1 | 8 jun 03 |
spring gallery -- new address for images  |
2 | 27 apr 03 |
tshirts and address  |
1 | 15 apr 03 |
julie pitzen - current address  |
1 | 22 mar 03 |
correction, bill of rights address  |
1 | 9 mar 03 |
scanning transparencies-- address change for me  |
2 | 28 feb 03 |
small correction to clayart room address  |
1 | 18 feb 03 |
need address  |
1 | 9 jan 03 |
rr needs craig martell's address - please!  |
1 | 31 dec 02 |
randy brodnax address  |
1 | 11 dec 02 |
bison studios - address and telephone number is...  |
1 | 23 nov 02 |
problem with clayart digest sent to yahoo address  |
1 | 25 sep 02 |
rick mahaffey's address?  |
3 | 17 jun 02 |
lost bruce baker's site address  |
2 | 2 mar 02 |
ot - return address in clayart - problems!  |
2 | 15 feb 02 |
address for aluminum dies ( curt)  |
2 | 22 jan 02 |
i forgot address  |
2 | 5 jan 02 |
what is the setting in clayart for return address?  |
1 | 21 dec 01 |
replying to clayart or to personal address  |
1 | 2 sep 01 |
response from the portugese address  |
1 | 21 aug 01 |
messages/mel's address etc  |
1 | 18 aug 01 |
mel's home address  |
1 | 6 aug 01 |
need an address  |
1 | 4 aug 01 |
killer carbon trap glaze address  |
5 | 26 jun 01 |
spam with arti's name on it to my address  |
1 | 13 jun 01 |
highwater clays address  |
1 | 3 may 01 |
heidi in montana lost address  |
1 | 1 may 01 |
milton's new e address  |
6 | 20 apr 01 |
cynthia bringle address  |
4 | 18 apr 01 |
cindy bringle address  |
1 | 22 mar 01 |
street address of adams mark ??  |
2 | 21 mar 01 |
janet mansfield address  |
1 | 21 mar 01 |
sv: janet mansfield address  |
2 | 26 feb 01 |
douglas kenney address  |
1 | 26 feb 01 |
douglas kenny address  |
3 | 4 feb 01 |
george mccaughly/contact address?  |
1 | 26 jan 01 |
bacia's mailing address  |
1 | 11 jan 01 |
mel's illness/address  |
3 | 10 jan 01 |
mel address  |
3 | 7 nov 00 |
correct address  |
1 | 18 oct 00 |
do not open an attachments from my address  |
1 | 29 sep 00 |
not addressing add/a story  |
6 | 19 sep 00 |
address/phone for aim  |
1 | 12 sep 00 |
brian ransom address?  |
2 | 8 sep 00 |
new address finally  |
1 | 26 jul 00 |
address please?  |
4 | 6 jun 00 |
help with addresses  |
1 | 1 may 00 |
john jensen address???  |
1 | 4 apr 00 |
address for dave finkelnburg  |
1 | 2 apr 00 |
(fwd) reply addresses and offlist responses  |
1 | 24 feb 00 |
fw: irish potters -address needed  |
1 | 22 feb 00 |
irish potters -address needed  |
1 | 7 feb 00 |
pete voulkos's address?  |
1 | 19 jan 00 |
my address -from spain- jose.  |
1 | 5 jan 00 |
linda hayworth's address  |
2 | 27 nov 99 |
address?  |
1 | 14 sep 99 |
peggy heer's address  |
1 | 12 sep 99 |
susie lindsay address  |
1 | 16 jul 99 |
lost address  |
2 | 6 jun 99 |
lori leary/address  |
1 | 6 may 99 |
address for linda christianson?  |
2 | 8 apr 99 |
peter king's address ?  |
3 | 4 apr 99 |
addresses anyone?  |
1 | 12 mar 99 |
address query  |
1 | 27 feb 99 |
wrong ftp address sent  |
1 | 8 jan 99 |
change of e.mail address  |
1 | 16 dec 98 |
incorrect address  |
1 | 23 nov 98 |
address for rosenmiller/seidner?  |
1 | 19 sep 98 |
address for jacob preston  |
3 | 12 aug 98 |
seeking two potters addresses  |
2 | 2 jun 98 |
svend bayer address  |
1 | 24 may 98 |
clayart archives-the real address  |
1 | 30 mar 98 |
museum address-oops  |
1 | 24 mar 98 |
off topic:address change  |
1 | 24 jan 98 |
address kentuck show  |
1 | 28 nov 97 |
intersect address change  |
3 | 18 nov 97 |
tuscarora: anybody got the address?  |
1 | 18 oct 97 |
finding phone #'s and company addresses  |
2 | 22 sep 97 |
gallery address  |
1 | 12 sep 97 |
i'm back with a new address  |
3 | 21 aug 97 |
address for georges jean-clos  |
1 | 28 jun 97 |
odyssey center address  |
1 | 10 jun 97 |
new address/jennifer in vt  |
2 | 3 jun 97 |
interglaze net address where did it go?  |
1 | 23 apr 97 |
address request wolf/davalio  |
1 | 19 mar 97 |
wrong again frank ... re: watersheds address  |
1 | 18 mar 97 |
watersheds address  |
1 | 13 mar 97 |
clayarter's addresses  |
1 | 11 mar 97 |
need address e.eden  |
2 | 26 feb 97 |
watershed address. . .  |
2 | 1 feb 97 |
potters addresses  |
2 | 21 jan 97 |
val's address  |
1 | 20 dec 96 |
monona's address correction  |
1 | 15 dec 96 |
monona rossol address  |
1 | 14 dec 96 |
stephen hills address  |
1 | 7 dec 96 |
rick sherman's address  |
1 | 1 dec 96 |
need addresses,phone #, etc. -reply and fulbright grants  |
1 | 11 nov 96 |
need addresses,phone #, etc.  |
1 | 8 nov 96 |
new addresses  |
2 | 17 oct 96 |
address for highwater clay  |
1 | 12 oct 96 |
address correction-virtual gallery  |
1 | 27 sep 96 |
new homepage address  |
2 | 21 sep 96 |
addresses of potters in europe  |
2 | 10 sep 96 |
rozman address request  |
1 | 9 sep 96 |
ceramics mo e-address  |
1 | 27 aug 96 |
address of southwest art festival  |
2 | 27 may 96 |
address please...  |
1 | 7 may 96 |
the "store store" address  |
1 | 12 apr 96 |
seeking an address  |
1 | 14 mar 96 |
new clayart/listserv address  |
advice |
5 | 27 aug 12 |
advice from an easy chair  |
2 | 17 apr 12 |
scope of clayart and advice  |
2 | 12 feb 12 |
currie grid advice needed  |
3 | 26 dec 11 |
gas advice  |
1 | 2 dec 11 |
snail advice!  |
8 | 10 nov 11 |
bottle advice?  |
2 | 26 sep 11 |
a little legal advice - ot  |
7 | 21 aug 11 |
any advice for moving electric kiln?  |
4 | 11 jul 11 |
pellet stoves advice  |
9 | 6 jun 11 |
so i got another job... (need advice)  |
3 | 31 may 11 |
clay advice  |
1 | 7 may 11 |
level headed advice  |
3 | 16 apr 11 |
used kiln advice  |
1 | 18 feb 11 |
studio sales advice  |
7 | 22 jan 11 |
cutout advice  |
6 | 5 dec 10 |
need advice on electing a camers for making simple how to vide=  |
1 | 9 nov 10 |
used lockerbie - advice please  |
2 | 29 sep 10 |
advice for a trompe l'oeile bag project  |
3 | 7 may 10 |
used kilns: advice please  |
14 | 1 mar 10 |
advice for clay artists  |
7 | 24 feb 10 |
first show - any advice?  |
1 | 16 feb 10 |
fw: first show - any advice?  |
1 | 12 jan 10 |
photo program advice  |
5 | 6 nov 09 |
free art asked/advice  |
6 | 20 oct 08 |
advice needed - payment plan for commission work  |
2 | 6 oct 08 |
cone advice -- asap thank you!  |
4 | 5 oct 08 |
cone advice -- asap  |
3 | 11 aug 08 |
forwarded good advice from a nameless clayarter  |
7 | 22 jul 08 |
need internet advice  |
8 | 24 feb 08 |
need an amp meter - advice?  |
6 | 2 jan 08 |
how to move a kiln (need advice)  |
11 | 13 dec 07 |
kiln advice  |
8 | 28 oct 07 |
kiln advice?  |
1 | 18 oct 07 |
show/advice/scolding  |
17 | 11 oct 07 |
advice please. i make pottery tools.  |
1 | 9 oct 07 |
much advice on pottery tools  |
9 | 29 sep 07 |
newbie advice 2  |
8 | 29 sep 07 |
newbie advice 3  |
2 | 27 sep 07 |
advice on refurbishing olympic downdraft  |
1 | 27 sep 07 |
criticism and advice  |
1 | 26 sep 07 |
newbie advice for tiffany et al.  |
1 | 20 sep 07 |
indoor kiln advice  |
1 | 13 sep 07 |
experienced glaze advice sought  |
3 | 4 sep 07 |
fw: sound advice.... aka....smart conseil  |
2 | 2 sep 07 |
sound advice.... aka....smart conseil  |
2 | 26 aug 07 |
deleting advice  |
14 | 23 aug 07 |
shopping for an electric kiln -- advice?  |
1 | 22 aug 07 |
shopping for an electric kiln-- advice?  |
1 | 21 aug 07 |
advice on purchasing a kiln  |
1 | 21 aug 07 |
deleting advice!  |
1 | 27 jul 07 |
advice on electric kiln  |
1 | 28 jun 07 |
medical advice???  |
15 | 27 jun 07 |
please advice  |
6 | 15 may 07 |
advice on commissions?  |
8 | 29 apr 07 |
advice on kilns - fans  |
11 | 26 apr 07 |
advice on kilns  |
5 | 10 apr 07 |
newbie advice  |
15 | 26 feb 07 |
advice for craft fair  |
3 | 23 feb 07 |
preheat advice  |
1 | 10 jan 07 |
thanks for advice!  |
1 | 26 dec 06 |
ot: just a little tree advice...  |
1 | 21 dec 06 |
giant order advice  |
4 | 10 dec 06 |
if it doesn't sell--david hendley's advice  |
20 | 28 oct 06 |
small problem, need advice  |
3 | 6 aug 06 |
high end advice  |
2 | 3 jun 06 |
ot: living in the desert - requesting advice from desert dwellers  |
1 | 21 may 06 |
thanks for crawl space advice!!  |
1 | 10 may 06 |
advice on electric kilns for kenya  |
4 | 6 apr 06 |
advice on japan travel for a potter/ceramics teacher  |
1 | 5 apr 06 |
x-imail-spam-connection advice on japan travel for a  |
4 | 23 mar 06 |
advice re kiln location  |
1 | 9 mar 06 |
thankyou for the handy advice  |
1 | 25 feb 06 |
ot: can anyone give me advice on ithaca, ny area restaurants?  |
4 | 31 jan 06 |
advice needed: should i cut my prices???  |
1 | 7 jan 06 |
thanks for advice, plus making chia pets, and elmers glue as a resist?  |
9 | 28 oct 05 |
need some advice for taking good pictures of pottery  |
1 | 15 oct 05 |
re/metal shed advice  |
5 | 13 oct 05 |
metal shed for outdoor kiln need advice  |
1 | 6 sep 05 |
advice needed butter knife plades  |
8 | 22 jul 05 |
scroll saw purchase advice sought  |
2 | 18 jul 05 |
tony asks for advice  |
1 | 3 may 05 |
advice on buying a kiln  |
1 | 20 apr 05 |
thanks for the advice  |
2 | 5 mar 05 |
moving pots to l/a advice  |
7 | 25 feb 05 |
slow cooling advice needed  |
4 | 1 feb 05 |
creating atmosphere to sell...advice anyone?  |
1 | 22 jan 05 |
need advice . . .  |
3 | 22 jan 05 |
need advice...  |
10 | 25 nov 04 |
need some real life advice  |
1 | 23 nov 04 |
need some real life advice -long  |
1 | 22 oct 04 |
skut kiln question-expert advice needed  |
1 | 6 sep 04 |
great advice/free work  |
6 | 11 aug 04 |
matte glaze: need advice on more trials  |
7 | 8 aug 04 |
advice, please?  |
6 | 9 jul 04 |
japan trip september advice  |
2 | 6 jun 04 |
my first glaze test - fell off in sheets - advice please!  |
6 | 3 jun 04 |
buying electric kiln - need advice  |
3 | 23 may 04 |
ot -- advice about movers  |
2 | 28 apr 04 |
can anyone offer advice?  |
5 | 9 apr 04 |
advice for a potter's tour of the uk  |
1 | 5 apr 04 |
advices here and there  |
3 | 25 feb 04 |
david hendley's fashion advice for potters  |
2 | 22 feb 04 |
electric kiln advice  |
3 | 9 feb 04 |
techical advice,, panties and tradition :mel i'm serious :)  |
2 | 16 jan 04 |
=?iso-8859-1?q?re:=20=a0=20=a0=20=a0=20re:=20any=20advice=20if=20?=  |
22 | 7 jan 04 |
young potter needs advice  |
3 | 31 dec 03 |
young potter....advice, my thoughts/glaze?  |
1 | 30 dec 03 |
young potter needs advice, my thoughts-chris c  |
1 | 29 dec 03 |
young potter needs advice, my thoughts  |
3 | 28 dec 03 |
painful choices/ was young potter needs advice  |
2 | 27 dec 03 |
young potter needs advice-j.peterson  |
1 | 24 dec 03 |
of job advice and printers  |
1 | 23 dec 03 |
young potter needs advice/brass tacks  |
2 | 23 dec 03 |
young potter needs advice/making pots for a living  |
15 | 10 dec 03 |
operating system advice requested  |
1 | 6 dec 03 |
xp/advice  |
2 | 24 nov 03 |
proffessors and sound advice  |
1 | 2 nov 03 |
mandatory musing on an old kiln : olbie seeks advice!  |
1 | 25 sep 03 |
need wiring advice from pole to studio  |
3 | 4 sep 03 |
pick up advice needed  |
1 | 26 aug 03 |
sound advice  |
6 | 13 aug 03 |
glazes----advice  |
2 | 12 jul 03 |
japan trip need advice  |
5 | 11 jul 03 |
japan trip need advice  |
1 | 7 jul 03 |
dr. weil and good advice for potters ; was:: re: international  |
1 | 7 jul 03 |
dr. weil and good advice for potters - was.....&c.  |
2 | 22 jun 03 |
advice to women  |
2 | 19 may 03 |
installing 208 3 phase in 240 building- advice needed  |
1 | 23 mar 03 |
advice needed for group open studio/holiday event  |
8 | 4 dec 02 |
advice needed: slide projector lens  |
1 | 22 oct 02 |
iowa advice  |
5 | 19 oct 02 |
fw: advice  |
1 | 10 oct 02 |
good advice  |
2 | 18 sep 02 |
ceramic shows, advice and opinions?  |
2 | 6 jul 02 |
wendy rosen - advice to emerging artists  |
10 | 30 jun 02 |
booth design and advice  |
1 | 27 jun 02 |
fw: booth design and advice  |
1 | 17 apr 02 |
14 gauge wire: excellent advice but would use a larger service  |
2 | 15 apr 02 |
another use for clay/ sage advice  |
3 | 12 apr 02 |
advice on starting out / elec. kiln question  |
6 | 30 mar 02 |
advice on starting out - long!  |
1 | 29 mar 02 |
advice on starting out-long!  |
5 | 21 mar 02 |
request for advice on projected sales  |
5 | 13 mar 02 |
installing an electric kiln in the garage: advice needed  |
1 | 8 mar 02 |
installing an electric kiln in the garage: advice  |
1 | 6 mar 02 |
looking into converting a furnace to a gas kiln... need advice  |
18 | 1 mar 02 |
collecting ceramics advice  |
1 | 5 jan 02 |
thanks re plastic pails with lids advice  |
6 | 4 jan 02 |
advice requested...  |
3 | 2 jan 02 |
advice requested  |
2 | 2 jan 02 |
heeding advice  |
13 | 11 dec 01 |
advice needed  |
1 | 26 oct 01 |
enough birdhouse advice  |
3 | 22 oct 01 |
need advice on cutting stars  |
14 | 22 oct 01 |
need advice on cutting stars:re:memorial  |
2 | 2 oct 01 |
kiln guru's advice please  |
2 | 9 sep 01 |
legal advice for cat  |
4 | 6 sep 01 |
basket o' trouble- need advice (ot sort of)  |
1 | 5 sep 01 |
mayor's advice, joyce's letter  |
1 | 5 sep 01 |
mayor's advice.. joyce's advice  |
2 | 4 sep 01 |
mayor's advice  |
1 | 4 sep 01 |
question 16 (or da mayor's advice)  |
2 | 28 aug 01 |
need advice on gas kiln purchase  |
1 | 11 aug 01 |
el tono's halo/advice  |
1 | 13 jul 01 |
old cone advice please  |
2 | 12 jul 01 |
cone advice please  |
1 | 29 jun 01 |
thanks for the advice and ideas.  |
1 | 20 jun 01 |
permits for gas kilns - advice (long)  |
1 | 20 jun 01 |
permits for gas kilns - advice? (long)  |
3 | 18 jun 01 |
permits for gas kilns - advice?  |
4 | 7 jun 01 |
moving cross country need some advice on movers, etc.  |
1 | 6 jun 01 |
need casas grandes travel advice  |
3 | 14 apr 01 |
need kiln advice  |
6 | 14 mar 01 |
need glazes/ advice for albania  |
3 | 12 mar 01 |
addition to: need glazes/ advice for albania  |
1 | 27 feb 01 |
mel/advice  |
1 | 25 feb 01 |
help! need glaze advice now!!  |
5 | 19 feb 01 |
test kiln advice  |
1 | 19 feb 01 |
thanks for test kiln advice!  |
2 | 11 feb 01 |
in need of help/advice  |
1 | 9 feb 01 |
fw: some advice in clay diplomacy please.  |
10 | 9 feb 01 |
some advice in clay diplomacy please.  |
1 | 4 dec 00 |
master advice giver  |
3 | 24 oct 00 |
advice sought for making a "tajine"  |
1 | 20 sep 00 |
collecting payment/advice  |
1 | 19 sep 00 |
advice re collecting bill  |
2 | 17 sep 00 |
advice on kiln purchase  |
14 | 1 sep 00 |
overwhelmed, needing help, advice & comforting.  |
2 | 31 jul 00 |
booth for shows/advice too  |
4 | 25 jul 00 |
can use all your advice...  |
1 | 22 jul 00 |
hands advice  |
4 | 15 jun 00 |
jen-ken kiln advice  |
8 | 12 jun 00 |
university art advice- but not clay  |
3 | 23 may 00 |
advice on starting community studio  |
12 | 14 apr 00 |
is this ok?? need advice from art teachers. please!!!!  |
2 | 9 apr 00 |
advice on substitutions  |
2 | 2 mar 00 |
university advice needed-long  |
2 | 9 feb 00 |
advice urgently needed  |
10 | 4 feb 00 |
need advice please  |
1 | 15 dec 99 |
advice for newbies  |
4 | 15 dec 99 |
kiln disaster--need advice  |
5 | 12 dec 99 |
advice for relative newbies  |
6 | 25 sep 99 |
advice from kilnbuilders requested  |
5 | 24 sep 99 |
son is interested in alfred? any advice?  |
2 | 19 aug 99 |
kiln shed advice needed for snowy area.  |
1 | 8 jun 99 |
clay water disposal-dry well? advice?  |
1 | 18 may 99 |
vince's good advice  |
1 | 4 apr 99 |
cooling dunts--need help/advice  |
4 | 3 apr 99 |
cooling dunts--need help/advice (long)  |
2 | 8 mar 99 |
kiln advice needd  |
3 | 19 feb 99 |
advice needed for starting potters association  |
7 | 20 jan 99 |
advice - kiln purchase  |
1 | 12 jan 99 |
newbee needs kiln advice  |
8 | 23 dec 98 |
fw: studio heating advice needed  |
5 | 7 dec 98 |
studio heating advice needed  |
2 | 27 nov 98 |
advice sought for outdoor plaque  |
4 | 27 nov 98 |
glaze tweaking advice, anyone?  |
2 | 19 nov 98 |
any advice for an aspiring potter?  |
2 | 11 nov 98 |
glaze advice  |
5 | 29 oct 98 |
glaze advice request for test results  |
4 | 9 sep 98 |
wendy's advice  |
3 | 11 aug 98 |
need info/advice  |
4 | 4 jul 98 |
car kiln advice needed  |
3 | 29 jun 98 |
novice wants glaze advice  |
6 | 2 jun 98 |
technical advice needed  |
2 | 24 may 98 |
booth advice needed for retail show  |
1 | 1 mar 98 |
diy electric kiln advice needed  |
2 | 12 jan 98 |
cordierite advice needed  |
1 | 9 jan 98 |
cordiality advice  |
5 | 4 dec 97 |
"advice"  |
15 | 30 nov 97 |
advice  |
1 | 28 nov 97 |
advice and lewis thomas (long)  |
1 | 24 nov 97 |
advice/love letter to the list (long)  |
7 | 26 sep 97 |
advice on "advise"  |
4 | 25 sep 97 |
advice on the word advise  |
1 | 25 sep 97 |
advice(advise)  |
1 | 5 sep 97 |
ogunquit maine- need some advice  |
4 | 21 aug 97 |
glaze advice needed  |
6 | 18 jul 97 |
gas kiln advice needed  |
2 | 17 jul 97 |
re" gas kiln advice needed  |
3 | 21 jun 97 |
need guild advice  |
1 | 21 jun 97 |
sails advice needed  |
4 | 20 jun 97 |
sales advice needed!  |
1 | 19 jun 97 |
wholesale advice  |
1 | 18 jun 97 |
sales advice needed!(long)  |
9 | 6 jun 97 |
need glaze advice  |
1 | 14 mar 97 |
thanks for the advice.  |
17 | 12 mar 97 |
advice needed on new studio  |
1 | 7 mar 97 |
advice needed on new  |
2 | 6 mar 97 |
advice for new studio  |
1 | 6 mar 97 |
thanks for the new studio advice  |
3 | 10 feb 97 |
medical, clay-related advice sought  |
4 | 18 dec 96 |
kiln advice needed  |
1 | 15 oct 96 |
kiln advice -- wall thickness  |
2 | 17 aug 96 |
kiln advice/expertise  |
1 | 11 jul 96 |
any advice to a young artist?  |
looking for |
1 | 26 jul 12 |
kick wheel, older kiln, and glaze ingredients looking for a new ho=  |
10 | 14 jun 12 |
looking for clear low fire glaze for terra cotta  |
3 | 25 mar 12 |
looking for xavier gonzales  |
2 | 11 mar 12 |
looking for wedging table & kiln, tucson, az  |
1 | 30 jan 12 |
looking for a used kiln, l&l j-230  |
1 | 10 jan 12 |
looking for a few good mentors  |
1 | 7 jan 12 |
looking for bylaws/rental agreement example contracts  |
3 | 30 dec 11 |
ot/ looking for car parts  |
2 | 26 dec 11 |
looking for an electric wheel  |
1 | 26 dec 11 |
looking for an electric wheel, randall in florida  |
1 | 10 dec 11 |
chicago nw suburbs--looking for potter willing to bisque work  |
1 | 27 aug 11 |
looking for someone in newport beach, ca  |
4 | 19 aug 11 |
looking for pots  |
3 | 16 aug 11 |
looking for grey gloss raku glaze  |
7 | 27 jul 11 |
i'm looking for a cone 6-7 white glaze  |
3 | 5 jul 11 |
looking for info about film  |
3 | 29 jun 11 |
looking for  |
2 | 23 jun 11 |
looking for pumps  |
1 | 21 may 11 |
looking for potters/collector  |
1 | 18 apr 11 |
looking for job/internship opportunities  |
3 | 27 mar 11 |
looking forward to tampa  |
2 | 18 mar 11 |
looking for information  |
5 | 11 mar 11 |
looking for potters in north carolina  |
22 | 9 mar 11 |
looking for a solution  |
3 | 9 mar 11 |
looking for.....  |
1 | 8 mar 11 |
fw: re: looking for a solution  |
1 | 4 mar 11 |
looking for clayarter in tampa area  |
1 | 26 feb 11 |
looking for a colorado potter  |
1 | 23 feb 11 |
looking for central florida clayarters  |
1 | 26 jan 11 |
looking for a jodi from new york  |
1 | 22 jan 11 |
subject: looking for metal potter's wheel stools  |
5 | 21 jan 11 |
looking for a kanji  |
2 | 21 jan 11 |
looking for metal potters wheel stools  |
1 | 13 jan 11 |
looking for pottery teacher in hollywood beach fl are  |
5 | 7 jan 11 |
looking for a song title  |
2 | 3 jan 11 |
looking for microwave kiln users  |
1 | 27 nov 10 |
urgent: looking for clay artist nicole margaret ballere  |
2 | 8 nov 10 |
looking for potters  |
1 | 3 nov 10 |
archaeologist looking for portable bottled gas powered kiln  |
1 | 28 sep 10 |
ontario potters - looking for some history help  |
5 | 10 sep 10 |
looking for sprig advice  |
1 | 9 sep 10 |
searching for article  |
1 | 18 aug 10 |
looking for a potter in spokane, wa  |
1 | 4 aug 10 |
looking for a wheel in the minneapolis area...  |
1 | 3 aug 10 |
looking for a little bit of colorant...  |
1 | 1 aug 10 |
looking for brian crocker  |
1 | 1 jul 10 |
looking for a few good....potters council  |
1 | 1 jul 10 |
looking for some nominations for potters council  |
1 | 28 jun 10 |
looking for duncan cc189 violet  |
1 | 23 jun 10 |
looking for salt glazing info and help  |
2 | 13 jun 10 |
looking for a copy of garth clark's book "shards".  |
1 | 20 may 10 |
looking for an extruder?  |
3 | 7 may 10 |
trigger thumb surgery: looking for first hand (sorry!) experie=  |
1 | 4 may 10 |
trigger thumb surgery: looking for first hand (sorry!) experiences  |
2 | 29 apr 10 |
looking for clay classes in chicago area  |
1 | 10 apr 10 |
looking for pottery/ceramic blogs  |
1 | 5 apr 10 |
looking for a book on image transfer  |
1 | 4 apr 10 |
looking for lee burningham  |
1 | 13 mar 10 |
urgent bacia slide show. looking for a new time  |
1 | 4 mar 10 |
looking for a cyan and magenta raku glaze -- is there such a thing  |
1 | 2 mar 10 |
looking for don glasgow  |
1 | 26 feb 10 |
looking for lockerbie wheel  |
1 | 9 feb 10 |
looking for kickwheel in texas  |
1 | 30 jan 10 |
looking for potter glasgow  |
1 | 20 jan 10 |
looking for a slabroller  |
3 | 17 jan 10 |
flash gordon saab station wagon - search for simplicity in car=  |
2 | 5 jan 10 |
looking for an old issue of studio potter mag  |
1 | 16 dec 09 |
looking for a ram press  |
14 | 11 dec 09 |
looking for a glaze  |
8 | 11 dec 09 |
looking for good ^9-10 metallic black recipe  |
3 | 23 nov 09 |
looking for tile specific interest  |
1 | 15 oct 09 |
help-looking for prior post concerning lead and 16th italian m=  |
1 | 15 oct 09 |
help-looking for prior post concerning lead and 16th italian medic=  |
5 | 14 oct 09 |
looking for a potter  |
1 | 24 sep 09 |
looking for a recipe for.....  |
1 | 21 sep 09 |
looking for insulating firebrick.  |
1 | 9 may 09 |
looking for a 1920's glaze  |
1 | 4 may 09 |
looking for two potters  |
3 | 2 dec 08 |
looking for a tea bowl  |
2 | 22 nov 08 |
looking for gene lang lang  |
5 | 18 nov 08 |
looking for cone 6 buttermilk  |
1 | 12 nov 08 |
fwd: looking for cone 6 buttermilk  |
3 | 29 oct 08 |
looking for an artist.  |
1 | 18 oct 08 |
looking for nancy who lives in winder ga 30680  |
3 | 13 oct 08 |
looking for wheel advice  |
2 | 24 sep 08 |
looking for jim mcbride  |
1 | 15 sep 08 |
looking for a german text on cone 6 glazes  |
5 | 7 sep 08 |
looking for speckled blue cone 9-10 reduction  |
1 | 1 sep 08 |
searching for local potters/ceramic artists in ct  |
5 | 1 aug 08 |
looking for wood ash.  |
1 | 17 jul 08 |
another new website - looking for feedback  |
4 | 8 jul 08 |
looking for a good mfa program  |
1 | 25 jun 08 |
looking for doris fischer-colbrie  |
4 | 13 jun 08 |
looking for colorado clay scene  |
1 | 6 jun 08 |
looking for nan kitchens  |
1 | 28 may 08 |
looking for:debra ulland  |
1 | 22 may 08 |
looking for potters in alexandria, virginia  |
1 | 15 apr 08 |
jim mcbride/looking for  |
1 | 11 apr 08 |
looking for linda hughes current email address  |
1 | 16 mar 08 |
looking for a room/roommate at nceca!  |
2 | 25 feb 08 |
looking for bill edwards  |
2 | 19 feb 08 |
looking for pro ci potters stool new or used  |
3 | 23 jan 08 |
looking for a cutting/scoring tool (in a haystack) - resubmit  |
1 | 21 jan 08 |
looking for help formulating a cone 5-6 porcelain type throwing  |
9 | 20 jan 08 |
looking for help formulating a cone 6 throwing body  |
1 | 19 jan 08 |
looking for help formulating a cone 5-6 porcelain type throwing body  |
5 | 10 jan 08 |
looking for foodsafe low fire glazes!  |
1 | 13 dec 07 |
looking for help with hand-made tile production  |
4 | 9 nov 07 |
looking for dennis pitles? maggie valley nc  |
3 | 26 oct 07 |
looking for molds, phoenix  |
1 | 8 oct 07 |
looking for anyone in or near milwaukee wisconsin  |
8 | 7 oct 07 |
looking for expression  |
1 | 1 oct 07 |
looking for belinda willis  |
1 | 29 sep 07 |
looking for winter survival tips  |
1 | 27 sep 07 |
looking for antoinette badenhirst -. trimming tools  |
1 | 25 sep 07 |
looking for gretchen ewert  |
2 | 13 sep 07 |
looking for oxy probe  |
3 | 9 sep 07 |
looking for "sea foam zinc"  |
1 | 9 sep 07 |
looking for an old friend  |
1 | 16 aug 07 |
looking for information about clay co-ops  |
1 | 31 jul 07 |
any one looking for a wholesale mug order?  |
4 | 31 jul 07 |
looking for alberta slip recipies  |
2 | 25 jul 07 |
looking for pottery classes  |
2 | 21 jul 07 |
looking for an old skutt 1227 kiln  |
1 | 9 jul 07 |
ric in china looking for dirt ball  |
2 | 4 jul 07 |
looking for a penpal  |
4 | 20 jun 07 |
travelling to leeds (yorkshire) looking for suggestions  |
2 | 4 jun 07 |
looking for stanley hurst  |
1 | 27 may 07 |
looking for info on "red" show...  |
5 | 16 apr 07 |
looking for 3 small question and answer books?  |
3 | 10 apr 07 |
looking for frank gaydos  |
1 | 27 mar 07 |
looking for cone 6-8 good green  |
1 | 27 mar 07 |
looking for something....  |
1 | 27 mar 07 |
still looking for a used kiln, what do you all think of this one?  |
3 | 20 mar 07 |
looking for wall sconces and other lighting fixtures  |
2 | 14 mar 07 |
looking for tent / extruder  |
1 | 8 mar 07 |
search for laura s.  |
2 | 26 feb 07 |
looking for roomie(s)  |
1 | 25 feb 07 |
who was looking for workshops/guilds in sc?  |
1 | 24 feb 07 |
looking for ^10 glaze: gloss green w/ purple specks  |
5 | 24 feb 07 |
looking for kiln design input  |
2 | 24 feb 07 |
still looking for kiln design input - castables  |
4 | 19 feb 07 |
looking for a summer workshop  |
3 | 9 feb 07 |
looking for a non-smoking roomy at nceca  |
2 | 4 jan 07 |
looking for "some bright green"  |
3 | 11 dec 06 |
looking for a cone 6 electric liner glaze  |
2 | 11 dec 06 |
looking for classes or studio space in los angeles  |
1 | 11 dec 06 |
looking for person who i offered the book to  |
4 | 7 dec 06 |
looking for used equipment  |
1 | 6 dec 06 |
looking for jennifer houlihan does anyone know her or where she is?  |
1 | 3 dec 06 |
looking for the woman who sent me the clay  |
1 | 28 nov 06 |
looking for caroline curran  |
1 | 26 nov 06 |
looking for opaque white cone 05 glaze  |
1 | 19 nov 06 |
looking for a kiln sitter  |
4 | 12 nov 06 |
looking for amber celadon recipe  |
2 | 12 nov 06 |
searching for plum colored glaze-#16  |
2 | 9 nov 06 |
searching for plum colored glaze  |
1 | 7 nov 06 |
looking for pat wehrman brandon  |
2 | 6 nov 06 |
looking for ^6 - ^9 gold glaze  |
1 | 1 nov 06 |
looking for jennifer houlihan's email address  |
1 | 31 oct 06 |
looking for lost potter  |
1 | 14 oct 06 |
for the person looking for a dark green glaze  |
2 | 10 oct 06 |
looking for erich broehnimann on hawaii - should be erich  |
1 | 9 oct 06 |
looking for erich broehnimann on hawaii - should be erich broennimann  |
1 | 8 oct 06 |
looking for erich broehnimann on hawaii  |
5 | 15 sep 06 |
looking for cone 04 glaze with depth  |
2 | 15 sep 06 |
looking for kelly swope  |
2 | 14 sep 06 |
looking for dry clay...  |
1 | 29 aug 06 |
looking for a couch near santa rosa. ca  |
2 | 25 aug 06 |
looking for durable cone 6 base glazes  |
1 | 15 aug 06 |
looking for studio space with kilns available in boulder, co  |
6 | 8 aug 06 |
looking for...  |
1 | 2 aug 06 |
looking for a company to slip cast.  |
5 | 29 jul 06 |
looking for a book  |
1 | 29 jul 06 |
looking for custom dinnerware  |
2 | 18 jul 06 |
looking for new or used scutt km 1227 pk or km 1231 pk  |
2 | 16 jul 06 |
looking for a potter vitali or bitali (phonetic)  |
1 | 11 jul 06 |
looking for pat wehrman  |
2 | 6 jul 06 |
looking for work as a potter  |
12 | 5 jul 06 |
looking for sam chungs mint glaze recipie  |
1 | 30 jun 06 |
looking for potters in the watkins glen ny area  |
1 | 23 jun 06 |
looking for room mate for southern fried...  |
1 | 20 jun 06 |
looking for clayhorse  |
1 | 12 jun 06 |
gallery in florida looking for potter(s)  |
3 | 11 jun 06 |
looking for gail nichols  |
1 | 8 jun 06 |
looking for potters in spokane washington  |
1 | 7 jun 06 |
looking for cindy strnad  |
2 | 25 may 06 |
heloisa looking for lili krakowski  |
2 | 21 may 06 |
looking for san diego workshops  |
1 | 20 may 06 |
wash dc potter looking for kiln to fire work in  |
6 | 19 may 06 |
looking forward to changes  |
15 | 18 apr 06 |
subject: looking for roulettes, brayers, wood blocks  |
2 | 11 apr 06 |
to igor and vince re: looking for roulettes, brayers, wood blocks  |
1 | 11 apr 06 |
to ivor and vince re: looking for roulettes, brayers, wood blocks  |
7 | 10 apr 06 |
looking for roulettes, brayers, wood blocks  |
1 | 3 apr 06 |
any vegetarian potter in the berkeley area looking for a place to live?  |
1 | 19 mar 06 |
looking for j. moe in vancouver  |
1 | 5 mar 06 |
looking for a used wheel in california  |
1 | 3 mar 06 |
looking for lawrence ewing  |
2 | 3 mar 06 |
looking for studio space in ireland  |
2 | 3 mar 06 |
still looking for an nceca room mate  |
7 | 26 feb 06 |
looking for a japanese caligraphy brush  |
1 | 24 feb 06 |
looking for old pacifica splash pan  |
1 | 21 feb 06 |
ashburnham ma query: looking for kindred spirits interested in  |
1 | 20 feb 06 |
ashburnham ma query: looking for kindred spirits interested in pottery!  |
4 | 20 feb 06 |
newbie looking for advise.  |
2 | 14 feb 06 |
looking for a randall  |
7 | 9 feb 06 |
looking for transluscent pink glaze  |
1 | 7 feb 06 |
looking for a high fire white handbuilding body  |
2 | 4 feb 06 |
looking for a used wheel  |
1 | 25 jan 06 |
looking for used wheel for student near london, ontario  |
1 | 23 jan 06 |
looking for white plastic clay body without talc  |
1 | 23 jan 06 |
low fire clay body recipe,looking for white  |
1 | 28 dec 05 |
searching for online airfares?  |
1 | 18 dec 05 |
looking for "hobby hc 0611" in socal.  |
3 | 11 dec 05 |
looking for an arttist to commision to make original dishware for  |
1 | 9 dec 05 |
looking for an arttist to commision to make original dishware for nyc  |
2 | 7 dec 05 |
looking for a yellow matt-correction  |
4 | 6 dec 05 |
looking for yellow glaze  |
2 | 30 nov 05 |
looking for an english ceramicist  |
1 | 28 nov 05 |
looking for a potter/lawyer  |
1 | 27 nov 05 |
looking for a few good potters  |
2 | 27 nov 05 |
looking for a few good potters/richard aerni  |
8 | 22 nov 05 |
looking for book on glass  |
1 | 20 nov 05 |
looking for studio equipment  |
2 | 15 nov 05 |
who was looking for bat grabbers?  |
2 | 9 nov 05 |
looking for a particular shino  |
3 | 8 nov 05 |
looking for a particular shino  |
4 | 8 nov 05 |
looking for salt glazed crocks  |
1 | 28 oct 05 |
looking for room to share nceca 2006 non-smoking female  |
2 | 20 oct 05 |
looking for throwing lessons in indianapolis, in  |
3 | 16 oct 05 |
looking for used electric wheel  |
1 | 16 oct 05 |
looking for used potters wheel  |
1 | 2 oct 05 |
searching for  |
3 | 21 sep 05 |
looking for fish whistle guy  |
1 | 20 sep 05 |
looking for fish whistle guy - several clay whistle websites  |
3 | 16 sep 05 |
looking for supplier in tx, nm area  |
1 | 7 sep 05 |
fw: mississippi arts commission searching for information on hurricane  |
9 | 24 aug 05 |
looking for pin frogs, help!  |
1 | 23 aug 05 |
looking for pin frogs  |
1 | 22 aug 05 |
looking for randall wheel  |
3 | 21 aug 05 |
searching for recipes  |
2 | 15 aug 05 |
looking for don reitz  |
1 | 7 aug 05 |
community looking for primitive potter  |
7 | 28 jul 05 |
looking for a speckled robin's egg blue  |
1 | 9 jun 05 |
looking for used equip. in md/de/va  |
5 | 5 jun 05 |
looking for ceramic facility in chicago-area  |
1 | 4 jun 05 |
looking for a 2nd hand wheel  |
1 | 31 may 05 |
looking for raku demonstrator ossinning ny us  |
2 | 28 may 05 |
list etiquette and management, was looking for a good fight?  |
2 | 28 may 05 |
looking for kenneth baskin  |
2 | 28 may 05 |
looking for love ( lee)  |
7 | 27 may 05 |
looking for a good fight?  |
1 | 24 may 05 |
looking for clay situation  |
1 | 12 may 05 |
looking for lee  |
2 | 9 may 05 |
venice, ca./ looking for studio rental  |
3 | 3 may 05 |
organic pots...looking for pics  |
4 | 24 apr 05 |
search for a term - voco  |
3 | 23 apr 05 |
search for a term  |
1 | 21 apr 05 |
looking for electrick kiln  |
1 | 14 apr 05 |
looking for a fellow potter...can you please help  |
1 | 13 apr 05 |
looking for a good gallery in the seattle area  |
4 | 9 apr 05 |
looking for used kiln  |
1 | 9 apr 05 |
ot looking for apartment in berkeley  |
1 | 8 apr 05 |
looking for tan matte  |
1 | 6 apr 05 |
looking for susan davis  |
1 | 4 apr 05 |
clayartist looking for live/work in the woods  |
1 | 30 mar 05 |
looking for upper ny potters  |
1 | 23 mar 05 |
looking for mug recipient from nceca  |
1 | 16 mar 05 |
wanted:looking for extruder  |
4 | 5 mar 05 |
wood fired looking for cowboys  |
1 | 26 feb 05 |
potter looking for used electric wheels  |
3 | 20 feb 05 |
looking for person who picked up my silica cement in missouri  |
1 | 19 feb 05 |
looking for the person i am exchanging a mug with  |
7 | 28 jan 05 |
looking for slab roller advice  |
2 | 24 jan 05 |
who is looking for a standing treadle wheell  |
2 | 23 jan 05 |
looking for books.  |
1 | 22 jan 05 |
hotels in baltimore, are you looking for one?  |
2 | 20 jan 05 |
looking for naoko gomi....re: translated minigama book  |
1 | 17 jan 05 |
looking for clay work in los angeles...  |
1 | 15 jan 05 |
nseca looking for roommate  |
1 | 9 jan 05 |
looking for woman in japan who contacted me last fall  |
1 | 8 jan 05 |
surfing with helen bates - google search for hungarian ceramics  |
2 | 6 jan 05 |
looking for specific potter in nw  |
1 | 2 jan 05 |
looking for bonnie (nee) butler  |
1 | 2 jan 05 |
looking for studio space rental..:)  |
10 | 28 dec 04 |
going to make the big step - looking for advice  |
1 | 14 dec 04 |
looking for gray glaze for urn  |
1 | 13 dec 04 |
looking for emily o.  |
2 | 9 dec 04 |
looking for fundacio josep llorens artigas  |
1 | 9 dec 04 |
looking for wheel head for randall wheel  |
1 | 2 dec 04 |
computer crash looking for glaze recipe s-1  |
5 | 2 dec 04 |
looking for coleman black cone 10  |
1 | 26 nov 04 |
looking for kiln brick  |
3 | 22 nov 04 |
looking for name of raku potter from hawaii  |
1 | 22 nov 04 |
looking for teachers in nyc  |
3 | 9 nov 04 |
just moved to los angeles & looking for studios  |
1 | 11 oct 04 |
looking for a potter who makes sinks  |
2 | 4 oct 04 |
searching for rick brunson  |
1 | 28 sep 04 |
looking for open ceramic studio in southern ct  |
2 | 23 sep 04 |
looking for foot pedal for old wheel  |
1 | 23 sep 04 |
looking for foot pedal for old wheel - correction  |
1 | 20 sep 04 |
looking for billie mitchell  |
1 | 16 sep 04 |
looking for a clay job in the bay area  |
2 | 13 sep 04 |
looking for brain garthsides email addy  |
1 | 2 sep 04 |
fw: what are the readers of fired arts & crafts looking for?  |
5 | 2 sep 04 |
looking for evac shelter  |
3 | 1 sep 04 |
looking for websites that deal with colorants at cone 6, ox  |
2 | 27 aug 04 |
looking for former wpa members terry guess and kal jacobsen  |
1 | 5 aug 04 |
looking for old "the studio potter" issue  |
2 | 25 jul 04 |
looking for "the closet potter" and glaze gallery website...  |
8 | 10 jul 04 |
looking for potters or pottery classes in phoenix  |
2 | 7 jul 04 |
looking for kiln articles  |
1 | 6 jul 04 |
looking for brian haviland  |
1 | 11 jun 04 |
looking for lodging -snoring  |
1 | 10 jun 04 |
looking for lodging  |
1 | 3 jun 04 |
looking for lisa skeen  |
1 | 3 jun 04 |
looking for potters in myrtle beach sc  |
1 | 26 may 04 |
looking for a co2 analyzer  |
4 | 11 may 04 |
looking for potter  |
1 | 29 apr 04 |
looking for studio space in washington, d.c. area  |
10 | 15 apr 04 |
am looking for a glaze sieve with brush  |
1 | 15 apr 04 |
looking for a sieve,difficult meetings  |
2 | 9 apr 04 |
am looking for glaze sieve with brush  |
1 | 7 apr 04 |
am looking for glaze sieve with brush/activisim works/speak out when  |
1 | 6 apr 04 |
looking for ceramic shop or teacher near pittsfield, ma  |
1 | 5 apr 04 |
[spam] looking for a red glaze  |
2 | 4 apr 04 |
looking for a red glaze  |
1 | 24 mar 04 |
looking for ^06 underglaze recipe  |
1 | 24 mar 04 |
looking for info on artist kevin osborne  |
1 | 14 mar 04 |
looking for potters around troy, missouri.  |
3 | 13 mar 04 |
looking for collector plate info  |
1 | 5 mar 04 |
**** critical ceramics: looking for artists and writers ****  |
2 | 2 mar 04 |
newbie in wv looking for a good source of materials  |
1 | 25 feb 04 |
anyone looking for high temperature ceramic cement?  |
1 | 25 feb 04 |
looking for students -- pottery classes with nan rothwell  |
3 | 25 feb 04 |
newbie looking for a good source of clay and glaze materials  |
1 | 24 feb 04 |
looking for treadle wheel  |
2 | 24 feb 04 |
looking for used kiln in the san antonio area  |
1 | 20 feb 04 |
looking for visual artists and visual arts educators interested in  |
1 | 5 feb 04 |
...looking for avery stash...  |
1 | 5 feb 04 |
nceca - looking for someone with room to share  |
1 | 30 jan 04 |
looking for mid-range fake blue ash  |
6 | 27 jan 04 |
looking for albany slip  |
1 | 22 jan 04 |
looking for a wheel? try ebay! - now, something of 'e-bay' logics,  |
3 | 22 jan 04 |
looking for a wheel? try ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!! - also,a general  |
2 | 21 jan 04 |
looking for a wheel? try ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!!  |
1 | 21 jan 04 |
looking for a wheel? try ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!! - also,  |
1 | 19 jan 04 |
looking for scale recommendations, thanks & consolidation  |
1 | 18 jan 04 |
looking for gary *** from * pottery in oregon...re: tile workshop  |
8 | 17 jan 04 |
looking for scale recommendations  |
1 | 16 jan 04 |
looking for woody hughes  |
5 | 4 jan 04 |
i dont know what to do when looking for studio work  |
1 | 2 jan 04 |
looking for nceca room  |
1 | 23 dec 03 |
looking for phyllis tilton update  |
1 | 21 dec 03 |
wanted! looking for a wheel - trades???  |
3 | 17 dec 03 |
in search for cure for a glaze  |
1 | 16 dec 03 |
looking for chris weaver -new zealand  |
1 | 7 dec 03 |
looking for reliable clear glaze 06-02 rojo linda  |
3 | 29 nov 03 |
searching for examples of reactive glazes  |
3 | 12 nov 03 |
looking for used slab roller  |
2 | 9 nov 03 |
looking for glitter glaze  |
1 | 7 nov 03 |
looking for your sparkplug  |
1 | 25 oct 03 |
looking for eric mindling in oaxaca  |
2 | 8 oct 03 |
stoneware tiles -looking for source  |
1 | 7 oct 03 |
looking for a "ceramics technical" journal/magazine  |
1 | 7 oct 03 |
looking for slip casting recipes for ^10 salt firing?  |
1 | 4 oct 03 |
blue green black, looking for recipe  |
1 | 4 oct 03 |
looking for private instruction in nj, usa  |
2 | 23 sep 03 |
looking for a used raku kiln  |
1 | 11 sep 03 |
looking for portable wheel  |
1 | 4 sep 03 |
: looking for artificial salt glaze--cone 10  |
6 | 2 sep 03 |
looking for a source of electric power meters - us  |
1 | 2 sep 03 |
looking for artificial salt glaze--cone 10  |
1 | 2 sep 03 |
looking for kathleen nez email address  |
3 | 25 aug 03 |
looking for a ceramic vase mold  |
4 | 21 aug 03 |
looking for work  |
4 | 21 aug 03 |
new member, disappointinting kiln load, looking for potter contact  |
2 | 19 aug 03 |
looking for used wheel  |
2 | 13 aug 03 |
looking for ????????  |
1 | 12 aug 03 |
looking for ray aldridge  |
1 | 12 aug 03 |
looking for tim farrell  |
2 | 6 aug 03 |
looking for cat jaroz article  |
6 | 30 jul 03 |
looking for company to make planters  |
1 | 29 jul 03 |
ot- u hartford student.....looking for apt???  |
2 | 27 jul 03 |
looking for sohgnen article on silica  |
2 | 16 jul 03 |
looking for kiln sharing (dallas,tx)  |
3 | 9 jul 03 |
artist in munich looking for pottery course  |
2 | 2 jul 03 |
jonathan looking for tig  |
3 | 2 jul 03 |
looking for cryolite  |
1 | 1 jul 03 |
looking for old recipes from cm  |
19 | 30 jun 03 |
looking for honey luster  |
2 | 30 jun 03 |
looking for shar  |
2 | 25 jun 03 |
looking for kiln  |
1 | 22 jun 03 |
wisconsin pottery: buyers looking for  |
1 | 18 jun 03 |
looking for cone 10 glaze -- honey luster  |
1 | 16 jun 03 |
looking for 10w detergent oil  |
2 | 14 jun 03 |
looking for 10 wt detergent oil  |
1 | 13 jun 03 |
looking for byron temple ceramics  |
1 | 6 jun 03 |
looking for maren kloppmann  |
1 | 6 jun 03 |
searching for cindy  |
1 | 1 jun 03 |
looking for vancouver island studio exchange  |
1 | 29 may 03 |
google search for john calver  |
1 | 29 may 03 |
looking for: val in london  |
2 | 27 may 03 |
looking for southeast oklahoma potters  |
1 | 16 may 03 |
searching for ideas!  |
1 | 7 may 03 |
looking for a lost contacts  |
2 | 21 apr 03 |
looking for sam, aka maid o'mud  |
1 | 20 apr 03 |
looking for dustin whittaker studied in korea  |
2 | 11 apr 03 |
looking for a way to make a difference in clay  |
1 | 2 apr 03 |
looking for the prgrmer of software named ceramics  |
1 | 24 mar 03 |
looking for fred pinkul  |
1 | 24 mar 03 |
looking for scott lykens  |
2 | 13 mar 03 |
looking for celia littlecreek, mug exchange partner  |
1 | 6 mar 03 |
a last word on the search for standard clay mines  |
5 | 5 mar 03 |
looking for a old cm  |
1 | 28 feb 03 |
looking for a chris staley article  |
1 | 26 feb 03 |
looking for musicians for the clayart party  |
1 | 25 feb 03 |
looking for an old stain  |
1 | 25 feb 03 |
looking for classes in the area  |
8 | 14 feb 03 |
looking for a 3 ingredient glaze  |
1 | 23 jan 03 |
looking for len lindsay  |
1 | 14 jan 03 |
looking for shimpo posters/calendars  |
2 | 13 jan 03 |
looking for wire  |
1 | 4 jan 03 |
looking for glaze called "sarah's purple"  |
1 | 3 jan 03 |
looking for studio space in chicago  |
1 | 2 jan 03 |
looking for a cone 02 glaze base  |
1 | 16 dec 02 |
looking for a discontinued mason stain - can you help?  |
2 | 6 dec 02 |
looking for winet workshops - anywhere!  |
1 | 2 dec 02 |
looking for hannah brehmer  |
2 | 27 nov 02 |
looking for wood / salt glazes to test  |
1 | 27 nov 02 |
looking for wyman rolfe  |
8 | 25 nov 02 |
beginner looking for info  |
2 | 24 nov 02 |
contact search for valerie metcalfe  |
2 | 10 nov 02 |
looking for low-low fire (cone 014?) clay body recipe  |
1 | 7 nov 02 |
looking for a person to teach a work shop ? great opportunity...  |
2 | 30 oct 02 |
looking for a roomie  |
1 | 30 oct 02 |
looking for mud hen  |
4 | 25 oct 02 |
looking for clay source in chicago  |
1 | 20 oct 02 |
looking for ferro frits 3124 and 3195 in europe  |
2 | 15 oct 02 |
looking for blue-purple semi-gloss cone 10 glaze recipe?  |
1 | 12 oct 02 |
looking for an amber glaze wood fired cone 10-13  |
1 | 7 oct 02 |
looking for a new saggar mix  |
1 | 25 sep 02 |
obscure question -- looking for tile artist from atlanta '92  |
1 | 24 sep 02 |
looking for jan rodwell  |
1 | 23 sep 02 |
looking for a teacher  |
2 | 17 sep 02 |
looking for white stoneware claybody  |
2 | 17 sep 02 |
purposely looking for a very unstable glaze  |
1 | 14 sep 02 |
looking for an assistant position in ireland, oct 2002- feb 2003  |
3 | 6 sep 02 |
looking for a coarse feldspar source  |
1 | 6 sep 02 |
looking for potters in barcelona, spain  |
1 | 31 aug 02 |
looking for jim cullen...i'm here!!!  |
4 | 29 aug 02 |
looking for bruce jordon  |
1 | 28 aug 02 |
looking for jim cullen  |
4 | 17 aug 02 |
looking for crystalline glazes and firing info.  |
1 | 16 aug 02 |
glaze search for flambe  |
8 | 13 aug 02 |
looking for raku gloves  |
2 | 4 aug 02 |
still looking for masking agent???  |
1 | 2 aug 02 |
looking for a glaze called, babu blue  |
2 | 30 jul 02 |
looking for workshops in central us  |
2 | 21 jul 02 |
looking for bourry box kilns  |
1 | 14 jul 02 |
looking for some help.  |
1 | 12 jul 02 |
looking for marc ward  |
1 | 12 jul 02 |
looking for raku friendly galleries  |
6 | 9 jul 02 |
looking for a book no longer published  |
1 | 9 jul 02 |
looking for a book/interlibrary loan  |
5 | 20 jun 02 |
looking for adriana bailer  |
2 | 19 jun 02 |
i am looking for information on the environmental impact of firing  |
2 | 19 jun 02 |
looking for ceramics in the region of perpignan (france)  |
1 | 19 jun 02 |
looking for information on the environmental impact of firi  |
1 | 19 jun 02 |
looking for information on the environmental impact of firing wood  |
1 | 17 jun 02 |
looking for anthony turov  |
4 | 14 jun 02 |
looking for a tip  |
1 | 14 jun 02 |
looking for clayarters in idaho  |
2 | 13 jun 02 |
re; looking for a tip (making a mug)  |
1 | 29 may 02 |
looking for bozeman  |
1 | 22 may 02 |
llooking for a used kiln in washington  |
1 | 22 may 02 |
looking for tile artist...  |
1 | 21 may 02 |
looking for particular tile artist ... can you help?  |
3 | 20 may 02 |
looking for particular tile artist ... can you help?  |
1 | 12 may 02 |
looking for used tile press,books,wheel for student also bamboo  |
1 | 29 apr 02 |
aids to dividing (was: looking for "ez vide")  |
6 | 28 apr 02 |
looking for "ez vide"  |
2 | 23 apr 02 |
very fine grog (looking for)  |
1 | 10 apr 02 |
looking for prof. horst wert, corning, ny  |
1 | 10 apr 02 |
looking for studio space in denver/ boulder area...  |
1 | 30 mar 02 |
looking for winnipeg potters  |
3 | 28 mar 02 |
looking for information/mfa  |
10 | 27 mar 02 |
looking for black clay body  |
3 | 25 mar 02 |
looking for a fluid tenmoku  |
1 | 25 mar 02 |
looking for black clay body - postscript  |
1 | 17 mar 02 |
looking for tim wells  |
2 | 14 mar 02 |
looking for local potter  |
2 | 12 mar 02 |
folks looking for local potters  |
1 | 12 mar 02 |
looking for grey, foodsafe ^6 glaze  |
1 | 11 mar 02 |
looking for used kiln, wheel and slab roller  |
2 | 5 mar 02 |
looking for mary simmons  |
1 | 4 mar 02 |
looking for engobe recipies/tips on ^10 gas firing  |
2 | 22 feb 02 |
looking for room for 2?  |
5 | 20 feb 02 |
looking for school in spain  |
1 | 11 feb 02 |
looking for cone 4 mat glazes  |
5 | 10 feb 02 |
looking for a matte purple and blue cone 9  |
1 | 9 feb 02 |
looking for a matte purple  |
2 | 9 feb 02 |
looking for a matte purple and blue cone 9 and ? for ron &  |
1 | 8 feb 02 |
looking for a matte purple and blue cone 9 and ? for ron & john  |
2 | 1 feb 02 |
looking for resources on photocopy transfer technique  |
1 | 28 jan 02 |
potter looking for job  |
1 | 26 jan 02 |
nceca, looking for ne room/drive share  |
1 | 25 jan 02 |
looking forjackson lee  |
1 | 21 jan 02 |
potter looking for a jod  |
2 | 18 jan 02 |
looking for a room to share - nceca  |
2 | 13 jan 02 |
looking for workshop-correction  |
5 | 12 jan 02 |
looking for workshop  |
1 | 5 jan 02 |
looking for an apprenticeship/residency  |
1 | 10 dec 01 |
looking for signature  |
1 | 10 dec 01 |
looking for signature, spilling contents  |
1 | 30 nov 01 |
looking for korn  |
2 | 28 nov 01 |
looking for technical help  |
1 | 27 nov 01 |
looking for colleen gabriel  |
3 | 26 nov 01 |
looking for that glaze  |
3 | 26 nov 01 |
tiger eye glaze (was: looking for that glaze)  |
1 | 24 nov 01 |
lakeside pottery looking for staff in stamford connecticat  |
1 | 24 nov 01 |
oppening ceramic center in stamford, ct and looking for ...  |
2 | 19 nov 01 |
looking for teacher  |
3 | 16 nov 01 |
looking for small gas kiln plans...  |
2 | 12 nov 01 |
looking for robert abnot-stillwater, mn potter  |
4 | 10 nov 01 |
looking for a fake flashing avery slip?  |
1 | 9 nov 01 |
looking for roomate for kanas city  |
1 | 24 oct 01 |
looking for carol in west virginia - ot, others please delete  |
2 | 24 oct 01 |
looking for studio in la  |
1 | 13 oct 01 |
nyc studio looking for tech  |
1 | 9 oct 01 |
looking for people to help with a tile memorial for sept. 11th in ny,  |
2 | 5 oct 01 |
looking for pedestals!  |
3 | 4 oct 01 |
looking for a good low-fire porcelain  |
1 | 2 oct 01 |
looking for a glaze -- lost formula  |
3 | 2 oct 01 |
looking for pedistals!  |
1 | 22 sep 01 |
looking for cone 6 black satin glaze  |
2 | 22 sep 01 |
new potter looking for tips  |
1 | 19 sep 01 |
searching for cxc  |
1 | 16 sep 01 |
looking for studio space (charlotte, nc area)  |
1 | 13 sep 01 |
new member story and also looking for a small 120v electric kiln  |
2 | 12 sep 01 |
looking for chimney pot manufacturer  |
1 | 12 sep 01 |
looking for people who knew karl martz  |
1 | 6 sep 01 |
artist/gallery privacy policy (was: looking for seager)  |
2 | 6 sep 01 |
looking for seager  |
1 | 27 aug 01 |
looking for co-op members  |
1 | 22 aug 01 |
looking for sun valley rutile glaze  |
1 | 18 aug 01 |
ceramic paper (was re: looking for kiln wash recipe)  |
9 | 18 aug 01 |
looking for kiln wash recipe  |
2 | 18 aug 01 |
looking for ursy potter  |
1 | 17 aug 01 |
kiln questions and looking for some equipment  |
1 | 13 aug 01 |
looking for gas kiln  |
1 | 6 aug 01 |
looking for potters to visit near avignon and paris  |
3 | 6 aug 01 |
looking for wheel  |
3 | 5 aug 01 |
looking for potters to visit near avignon and paris, in sept.  |
1 | 5 aug 01 |
looking for used kiln in manitoba, canada  |
1 | 29 jul 01 |
looking for book by monona rossol (fwd)  |
3 | 28 jul 01 |
looking for book by monona rossol  |
2 | 22 jul 01 |
looking for peter ilsley  |
1 | 22 jul 01 |
looking for turquoise high fire glaze - and future tours  |
1 | 20 jul 01 |
looking for clay artist don bufink  |
7 | 19 jul 01 |
looking for turquoise high fire glaze  |
1 | 19 jul 01 |
looking for univ of puget sound clay grads  |
1 | 18 jul 01 |
fw: re: looking for turquoise high fire glaze  |
3 | 3 jul 01 |
looking for a used california pottool  |
4 | 2 jul 01 |
looking for studio space in east bay (oakland, ca)  |
2 | 29 jun 01 |
looking for janet buskirk  |
1 | 27 jun 01 |
looking for new york galleries  |
1 | 26 jun 01 |
looking for tom sawyer  |
1 | 15 jun 01 |
potter looking for work  |
2 | 9 jun 01 |
looking for unglazed tiles  |
1 | 20 may 01 |
searching for pat proctor  |
2 | 17 may 01 |
looking for lisa goerlich  |
2 | 15 may 01 |
looking for used fire bricks  |
1 | 10 may 01 |
looking for feldspar chunks  |
1 | 9 may 01 |
fw: re: looking for books and burnishing  |
4 | 8 may 01 |
looking for books  |
1 | 8 may 01 |
looking for books and burnishing  |
5 | 7 may 01 |
looking for a raku glaze  |
1 | 7 may 01 |
looking for a used kickwheel  |
1 | 6 may 01 |
looking for employment opportunity in italy  |
1 | 5 may 01 |
: looking for a raku glaze  |
2 | 4 may 01 |
looking for a kickwheel & york question  |
1 | 30 apr 01 |
search for keywords 'flared rim'; more sites to "c"...  |
3 | 30 apr 01 |
searching for mystery glaze: chai sky  |
1 | 21 apr 01 |
looking for used wheel - nanaimo bc canada  |
2 | 19 apr 01 |
looking for a used kiln. i live in reston, va  |
1 | 7 apr 01 |
looking for beginners kiln  |
1 | 6 apr 01 |
looking for beginner's kiln/maybe test kiln  |
1 | 6 apr 01 |
looking for bub  |
1 | 3 apr 01 |
looking for chris a. johnson  |
3 | 29 mar 01 |
looking for someone to do commision work  |
1 | 17 mar 01 |
looking for a used wheel, southwestern ontario area  |
1 | 16 mar 01 |
looking for books,pics on conference  |
2 | 16 mar 01 |
looking for commercial supply for cullet  |
3 | 14 mar 01 |
looking for joyce michaud-lost address  |
2 | 13 mar 01 |
looking for someone  |
1 | 7 mar 01 |
looking for answers  |
2 | 1 mar 01 |
looking for a workshop on narrative ceramics  |
1 | 27 feb 01 |
looking for lauer  |
1 | 26 feb 01 |
[off-topic] looking for an art lawyer in oregon  |
1 | 26 feb 01 |
looking for susan otter-setley  |
1 | 20 feb 01 |
looking for shannon and randy bowen  |
4 | 19 feb 01 |
disabled - still looking for  |
4 | 15 feb 01 |
looking for apprenticeship  |
1 | 15 feb 01 |
looking for pointers on electronic controllers  |
1 | 14 feb 01 |
looking for....  |
2 | 4 feb 01 |
looking for used lp gas kiln  |
2 | 26 jan 01 |
looking for steven jaskowick  |
1 | 23 jan 01 |
looking for nceca roomies  |
1 | 23 jan 01 |
looking for roommates/nceca  |
3 | 22 jan 01 |
looking for a studio situation  |
1 | 18 jan 01 |
looking for richard aerni.  |
1 | 12 jan 01 |
looking for a cone 6 ox transparent blue-green  |
1 | 5 jan 01 |
searching for a mystery link  |
1 | 4 jan 01 |
looking for a used kiln, near chicago, il area  |
2 | 1 jan 01 |
looking for an aussie potter  |
1 | 5 dec 00 |
looking for a potter. . .  |
2 | 3 dec 00 |
looking for glaze  |
8 | 30 nov 00 |
looking for a really opaque white  |
1 | 28 nov 00 |
looking for mold making intern  |
3 | 27 nov 00 |
help - looking for tile  |
1 | 25 nov 00 |
fw: re: help - looking for tile  |
1 | 20 nov 00 |
recent grad looking for apprenticeship and/or ceramic related work  |
3 | 18 nov 00 |
looking for cone 5&6 glazes  |
1 | 12 nov 00 |
still looking for source of vandyke brown clay  |
1 | 10 nov 00 |
production potter looking for position in japan  |
1 | 8 nov 00 |
looking for kathy montvel-cohen  |
1 | 7 nov 00 |
looking for susan amos  |
1 | 7 nov 00 |
looking for workshops in sw fl in march  |
2 | 3 nov 00 |
looking for ben pink clay  |
1 | 28 oct 00 |
you don't have to go all over to find what you are looking for!  |
2 | 26 oct 00 |
looking for address  |
2 | 18 oct 00 |
looking for classes in detroit area  |
1 | 17 oct 00 |
looking for aprenticeship toronto  |
7 | 16 oct 00 |
looking for info on picuris pueblo pottery  |
9 | 13 oct 00 |
searching for biocide for smelly glaze  |
1 | 13 oct 00 |
searching for biocide for smelly glaze+++  |
3 | 11 oct 00 |
looking for ^6 slate like glazes  |
1 | 9 oct 00 |
searching for eckles pottery in wisconsin  |
1 | 3 oct 00 |
looking for cone 6 oxidation/copper?  |
1 | 2 oct 00 |
looking for cone 6 oxidation  |
1 | 1 oct 00 |
looking for cone 6 ox black  |
2 | 29 sep 00 |
looking for cone 4 celadon  |
1 | 27 sep 00 |
indepth knowledge on saltglazing wanted looking for someone expert  |
1 | 26 sep 00 |
tr: looking for a front loading kiln  |
8 | 19 sep 00 |
looking for an old book  |
3 | 12 sep 00 |
looking for stable cone 9 clear (oxidation)  |
1 | 6 sep 00 |
looking for denny herring  |
10 | 3 sep 00 |
looking for good glaze that breaks  |
6 | 1 sep 00 |
looking for chopsticks  |
1 | 1 sep 00 |
looking for phillip in chicago  |
2 | 28 aug 00 |
looking for classes in the dc area  |
1 | 22 aug 00 |
looking for a gas kiln  |
1 | 16 aug 00 |
looking for claudia welles  |
1 | 15 aug 00 |
ceramicist looking for work...  |
2 | 10 aug 00 |
looking for potters in spain  |
1 | 10 aug 00 |
looking for wendy stuart  |
1 | 9 aug 00 |
looking for beige/brown matte recipes, any temp (cone request)  |
3 | 8 aug 00 |
looking for beige/brown matte recipes, any temp  |
1 | 5 aug 00 |
looking for cone 5-9 clay body recipes  |
1 | 3 aug 00 |
looking for studio space in the dc area  |
1 | 3 aug 00 |
tr: looking for a red slip  |
3 | 26 jul 00 |
looking for artists  |
1 | 24 jul 00 |
looking for job and people  |
2 | 23 jul 00 |
looking for a glaze called "flame"  |
3 | 23 jul 00 |
looking for a pottery workshop in japan  |
1 | 21 jul 00 |
looking for a pottery workshop in japan( outside of tokyo)  |
1 | 13 jul 00 |
search for used kiln in ks/mo  |
4 | 2 jul 00 |
fw: looking for california kiln manufacturer  |
1 | 27 jun 00 |
looking for dough mixer in the san francisco bay area  |
1 | 21 jun 00 |
looking for potter zepar  |
2 | 15 jun 00 |
searching for clay artists  |
3 | 14 jun 00 |
cone 6 glaze list: looking for people who use these  |
1 | 21 may 00 |
looking for a slab roller  |
1 | 20 may 00 |
fw: looking for a used electric wheel  |
2 | 17 may 00 |
looking for pottery-related job in detroit area  |
1 | 12 may 00 |
i am looking for a used wheel  |
6 | 8 may 00 |
looking for plans to build a potters wheel  |
1 | 8 may 00 |
looking for scott malcolm  |
1 | 25 apr 00 |
kentucky guild of artists and craftsmens fair looking for  |
2 | 16 apr 00 |
looking for ursula vann  |
1 | 4 apr 00 |
looking for someone to fire decals on tiles  |
7 | 1 apr 00 |
looking for line drawings of pottery  |
2 | 1 apr 00 |
looking for studio space for winter months  |
1 | 30 mar 00 |
search for "pottery" on encarta online  |
2 | 29 mar 00 |
looking for a 'primoridal' glaze  |
2 | 25 mar 00 |
looking for a workshop  |
4 | 17 mar 00 |
looking for a kiln  |
1 | 11 mar 00 |
looking for pilot light assembly for mk-1 burners (img url corrected)  |
1 | 9 mar 00 |
looking for pilot light assembly for mk-1 burners  |
1 | 9 mar 00 |
new to the princeton,nj area and looking for studio space  |
2 | 2 mar 00 |
looking for a good black glaze cone 9  |
1 | 29 feb 00 |
looking for used gas kiln  |
1 | 21 feb 00 |
help!!!! looking for a specific moldmaker  |
3 | 21 feb 00 |
looking for artist  |
1 | 21 feb 00 |
looking for artist link included  |
1 | 16 feb 00 |
fw: looking for ilnstructors  |
1 | 12 feb 00 |
tr: looking for a kiln...  |
1 | 9 feb 00 |
looking for adressen from potters out off poland  |
1 | 3 feb 00 |
looking for info on natural lowfire slips  |
2 | 25 jan 00 |
dutch couple looking for things to see in southwest usa  |
1 | 23 jan 00 |
looking for barbara parker  |
2 | 14 jan 00 |
looking for comments on a lithium glaze  |
1 | 4 jan 00 |
looking for crowley  |
1 | 2 jan 00 |
looking for kiln, wheel on vancouver island  |
1 | 30 dec 99 |
looking for a used electric wheel  |
1 | 24 dec 99 |
looking for alan & linda  |
1 | 20 dec 99 |
looking for some custom work  |
2 | 17 dec 99 |
looking for a cone 9 "matte white crackle" glaze  |
1 | 8 dec 99 |
looking for crystalline glaze samples  |
2 | 27 nov 99 |
looking for jewelry kiln  |
1 | 19 nov 99 |
who was looking for throwing directions on line???  |
1 | 12 nov 99 |
looking for used wheel sw ontario, canada  |
1 | 10 nov 99 |
looking for c. bringle  |
2 | 10 nov 99 |
looking for cynthia bringle  |
2 | 8 nov 99 |
looking for help on firing  |
1 | 4 nov 99 |
looking for book possible titled "macrocrystaline crystal  |
1 | 3 nov 99 |
looking for book possible titled "macrocrystaline crystal glazes?"  |
4 | 31 oct 99 |
i'm looking for a book  |
3 | 17 oct 99 |
guest looking for a host - response  |
1 | 13 oct 99 |
guest looking for a host  |
2 | 9 oct 99 |
looking for a glaze recipe  |
1 | 9 oct 99 |
poor student potter looking for free for the hauling or cheep fire  |
3 | 7 oct 99 |
looking for clay art  |
6 | 5 oct 99 |
the search for the perfect clay ...(way too long)  |
2 | 29 sep 99 |
the search for the perfect clay and those mean,  |
1 | 28 sep 99 |
the search for clay, idiot comment  |
1 | 27 sep 99 |
the search for the perfect clay and those mean, nasty clay suppliers  |
1 | 17 sep 99 |
looking for potters on long island, ny  |
1 | 12 sep 99 |
looking for cone 5 glaze  |
1 | 10 sep 99 |
looking for banding wheel  |
1 | 8 sep 99 |
looking for employment. sculptor / moldmaker  |
3 | 2 sep 99 |
looking for a good craftsman friendly area to move to  |
2 | 1 sep 99 |
looking for cone 6-8 faux wood fired look  |
1 | 27 aug 99 |
searching for a crawled glaze  |
1 | 26 aug 99 |
help - searching for floral pin frogs  |
1 | 21 aug 99 |
looking for wood or salt kiln firing in the nyc area  |
1 | 12 aug 99 |
looking for info re working in japan  |
1 | 9 aug 99 |
looking for workshop/studio in northern ca  |
5 | 7 aug 99 |
looking for pottery classes in los angeles  |
1 | 7 aug 99 |
looking for workshop or studio in northern ca  |
2 | 3 aug 99 |
looking for a.r.t. studio clay  |
2 | 3 aug 99 |
looking for source of plate setters  |
1 | 25 jul 99 |
looking for a potter-job from hungary  |
5 | 17 jun 99 |
looking for a blue/turquoise glaze cone 10  |
5 | 16 jun 99 |
looking for a blue/turquoise glaze  |
1 | 12 jun 99 |
looking for chappelle's opaque white satin matte  |
2 | 8 jun 99 |
looking for the perfect jade green glaze  |
1 | 8 jun 99 |
looking for tracy at penland  |
5 | 3 jun 99 |
looking for piepenburg  |
1 | 2 jun 99 |
looking for an apprenticeship  |
1 | 31 may 99 |
looking for lim plum  |
1 | 22 may 99 |
searching for kathy erteman  |
1 | 20 may 99 |
looking for bricks-calgary  |
1 | 17 may 99 |
looking for used hard fire brick in colorado  |
6 | 13 may 99 |
looking for solution regarding firing  |
1 | 1 may 99 |
searching for kiln service in ct & ny areas  |
1 | 25 apr 99 |
looking for a clear low fire matt finish glaze  |
1 | 17 apr 99 |
looking for lynn peters  |
2 | 13 apr 99 |
japan and looking for a ny raku artist  |
1 | 13 apr 99 |
looking for:  |
2 | 11 apr 99 |
looking for an electric kiln  |
1 | 7 apr 99 |
looking for an electric kick wheel  |
1 | 29 mar 99 |
looking for kiln builder!  |
1 | 29 mar 99 |
looking for sara meadows  |
1 | 24 mar 99 |
looking for kindell  |
2 | 18 mar 99 |
looking for clay related web sites  |
8 | 16 mar 99 |
looking for bfa program  |
2 | 12 mar 99 |
looking for a job  |
1 | 10 mar 99 |
looking for "pioneer pottery" by cardew  |
4 | 3 mar 99 |
looking for art in the wrong places  |
1 | 1 mar 99 |
looking for r. janet graham, brisbane, australia  |
1 | 23 feb 99 |
hotels at nceca - looking for a room to share.  |
1 | 22 feb 99 |
looking for chris schafale  |
1 | 22 feb 99 |
new subscriber looking for equip.  |
1 | 11 feb 99 |
looking for steve howell former students  |
1 | 10 feb 99 |
looking for kathy triplett  |
1 | 8 feb 99 |
looking for carl sande,potter  |
1 | 8 feb 99 |
looking for potter maureen mills  |
1 | 3 feb 99 |
"please" crystal glaze'er looking for old book to buy  |
1 | 29 jan 99 |
looking for a cone 6 glaze recipe called jens juicyfruit  |
1 | 29 jan 99 |
looking for dorothy feibleman  |
3 | 29 jan 99 |
looking for val's turquoise glaze recipe  |
1 | 19 jan 99 |
looking for michelle douglas  |
1 | 14 jan 99 |
looking for matthew metz  |
1 | 13 jan 99 |
looking for dave wallace  |
4 | 12 jan 99 |
looking for a new kiln  |
1 | 3 jan 99 |
roommate search for feb. shows  |
1 | 29 dec 98 |
looking for info on alfred guimond  |
1 | 15 dec 98 |
looking for production potter position in sacramento  |
1 | 9 dec 98 |
searching for "mr d"(former teacher of mine)  |
1 | 8 dec 98 |
looking for book out of print  |
1 | 29 nov 98 |
looking for canan  |
4 | 19 nov 98 |
looking for stoneware crocks  |
1 | 18 nov 98 |
looking for beth ciederstorm  |
1 | 18 nov 98 |
looking for raku glaze recipe comments  |
1 | 10 nov 98 |
looking for georgia state university alumni  |
4 | 4 nov 98 |
looking for clay centers in the north east  |
1 | 19 oct 98 |
looking for a used kickwheel- northeast  |
6 | 15 oct 98 |
looking for a needle tool  |
1 | 14 oct 98 |
looking for video  |
1 | 13 oct 98 |
sv: looking for a needle tool  |
1 | 1 oct 98 |
looking for instructor, ontario  |
1 | 20 sep 98 |
looking for jan....re:kickwheel  |
3 | 8 sep 98 |
looking for a text search tool  |
5 | 8 sep 98 |
looking for glaze receipe  |
8 | 19 aug 98 |
looking for book  |
1 | 18 aug 98 |
looking for todd garner contact info  |
3 | 29 jul 98 |
looking for yixing teapot supplier  |
2 | 16 jul 98 |
searching for "pioneer pottery"  |
1 | 13 jul 98 |
looking for used wheel in nyc  |
7 | 28 jun 98 |
looking for a cone 9-10 yellow glaze  |
5 | 24 jun 98 |
looking for a traveling ceramics exhibition  |
1 | 18 jun 98 |
looking for chris simoncelli  |
1 | 7 jun 98 |
help/looking for overglaze  |
8 | 7 jun 98 |
looking for accessories  |
2 | 4 jun 98 |
looking for bob kavanagh  |
4 | 3 jun 98 |
looking for glaze book....help!  |
1 | 29 may 98 |
looking for studio space  |
1 | 21 may 98 |
looking for stops in aug.  |
2 | 18 may 98 |
looking for tin can recipe  |
2 | 4 may 98 |
looking for ceramics resources in santa barbara  |
2 | 16 apr 98 |
looking for kiln info  |
1 | 13 apr 98 |
austrian looking for us pottery shop  |
1 | 10 apr 98 |
looking for . . .  |
1 | 7 apr 98 |
looking for steve mcbride  |
1 | 1 apr 98 |
looking for ceramics technical #4  |
1 | 20 mar 98 |
looking for patrica lloyd  |
1 | 18 mar 98 |
looking for book artists  |
2 | 17 mar 98 |
looking for info  |
1 | 14 mar 98 |
looking for a person to share nceca hotel  |
1 | 14 mar 98 |
searching for my old teacher  |
1 | 11 mar 98 |
looking for a pugmill  |
1 | 9 mar 98 |
looking for viola frey  |
1 | 2 mar 98 |
looking for used kickwheel  |
1 | 1 mar 98 |
looking for cone5-5 glaze  |
1 | 1 mar 98 |
looking for ihfo. on where to buy used pottery wheels  |
1 | 26 feb 98 |
looking for books by daniel rhodes  |
2 | 22 feb 98 |
looking for potters around el paso, texas  |
1 | 17 feb 98 |
looking for el paso potters  |
1 | 14 feb 98 |
looking for some people  |
2 | 13 feb 98 |
looking for potter in sarnia, ontario  |
2 | 12 feb 98 |
looking for a cone 4 clay body  |
2 | 7 feb 98 |
looking for clay/pottery classes in pueblo colorado  |
1 | 5 feb 98 |
looking for vcu potter.....  |
3 | 20 jan 98 |
looking for book on bernard leach  |
1 | 16 jan 98 |
looking for show guide  |
4 | 13 jan 98 |
looking for ceramist in nc  |
1 | 10 jan 98 |
looking for warm springs, ga potters  |
2 | 6 jan 98 |
looking for matt glaze base (cone 6)  |
2 | 22 dec 97 |
looking for recipe for floating blue and floating e  |
2 | 22 nov 97 |
looking for ny ceramists  |
3 | 7 nov 97 |
crystalline glazes... looking for information..  |
3 | 5 nov 97 |
looking for meron kloppman  |
1 | 4 nov 97 |
looking for classes in:  |
2 | 2 nov 97 |
101 clayart mugs... looking for places to go...  |
1 | 28 oct 97 |
looking for jurors  |
1 | 25 oct 97 |
looking for a bright barium blue  |
1 | 22 oct 97 |
clayarters live chat room.. looking for hosts...  |
4 | 15 oct 97 |
looking for mustard yellow glaze?  |
1 | 11 oct 97 |
looking for a wheel  |
5 | 6 oct 97 |
looking for favorite gloss clears  |
2 | 6 oct 97 |
search for bisaue sinks  |
1 | 6 oct 97 |
search for bisque sinks  |
1 | 4 oct 97 |
looking for good used weel in amirilo area  |
3 | 2 oct 97 |
looking for a resource  |
1 | 30 sep 97 |
looking for a used kiln  |
1 | 23 sep 97 |
looking for potter/seattle  |
3 | 14 sep 97 |
looking for low-sheen surface treatments  |
1 | 29 aug 97 |
looking for used electric potters wheel  |
1 | 20 aug 97 |
looking for tom coleman's glaze book  |
1 | 16 aug 97 |
looking for shedded antlers...  |
2 | 15 aug 97 |
looking for a dry white lichen  |
1 | 14 aug 97 |
looking for raku glaze "tak fat white"  |
2 | 12 aug 97 |
looking for an underglaze recipe...  |
4 | 7 aug 97 |
looking for cone 04 clear glaze  |
1 | 7 aug 97 |
looking for studio in holland  |
2 | 4 aug 97 |
looking for gary huntoon  |
12 | 22 jul 97 |
looking for c6 red clay  |
1 | 22 jul 97 |
looking for recipe  |
1 | 21 jul 97 |
looking for martini glass tops  |
2 | 11 jul 97 |
looking for harry hearne  |
1 | 11 jul 97 |
looking for the following people  |
1 | 3 jul 97 |
looking for "1234 celadon"  |
5 | 29 jun 97 |
looking for an amber  |
2 | 22 jun 97 |
looking for raku potter in sonoma county, ca  |
1 | 11 jun 97 |
looking for grueby glazes  |
4 | 11 jun 97 |
looking for shiny black/shiny white  |
1 | 11 jun 97 |
looking for used kiln/wheel  |
1 | 7 jun 97 |
looking for a closer/cheaper supplier of phoenix clay  |
1 | 6 jun 97 |
looking for judy  |
3 | 26 may 97 |
looking for plans for raku kiln with counter balance  |
1 | 25 may 97 |
looking for pottery co-op in nyc  |
1 | 24 may 97 |
looking for texas artist  |
1 | 22 may 97 |
fw: looking for glaze posted recently  |
1 | 22 may 97 |
looking for juror  |
2 | 16 may 97 |
beginner's search for tools  |
1 | 15 may 97 |
looking for nancy rogers / cracked pot studio, hershey, pa  |
1 | 28 apr 97 |
looking for rick foris  |
1 | 25 apr 97 |
looking for materials  |
7 | 24 apr 97 |
looking for warped tile makers  |
1 | 17 apr 97 |
looking for potters....  |
4 | 28 mar 97 |
cheesehead looking for options  |
2 | 28 mar 97 |
cheesehead looking for options (cambridge pottery festival)  |
1 | 27 mar 97 |
cheesehead looking for options:cambridge pottery festival  |
4 | 19 mar 97 |
looking for the potter's alternative  |
1 | 10 mar 97 |
looking for salt kiln info  |
2 | 6 mar 97 |
looking for potteries, people, portland area  |
1 | 5 mar 97 |
looking for classes/studios in denver area  |
2 | 5 mar 97 |
looking for tenmoku (oxidation)  |
4 | 4 mar 97 |
looking for aim kilns info  |
1 | 26 feb 97 |
looking for cathy  |
1 | 26 jan 97 |
looking for propane fueled kiln  |
2 | 21 jan 97 |
looking for a used slabroller  |
2 | 15 jan 97 |
advanced workshops (looking for)  |
1 | 15 jan 97 |
looking for pottery tips  |
2 | 16 dec 96 |
looking for the chinese copper red formula  |
1 | 14 dec 96 |
searching for recipe  |
1 | 13 nov 96 |
looking for ^10 reduction resources in pgh.  |
4 | 8 nov 96 |
looking for ^10 grey semi matt  |
1 | 6 nov 96 |
looking for ^10 gray semi-matt  |
1 | 6 nov 96 |
looking for extruder and slab roller  |
4 | 5 nov 96 |
looking for help to build a trundle wheel.  |
1 | 29 oct 96 |
looking for ...  |
3 | 29 oct 96 |
looking for kiln owner's manual  |
2 | 22 oct 96 |
looking for studio space in sf, ca  |
2 | 20 oct 96 |
looking for ^6 red & purple -  |
17 | 18 oct 96 |
looking for ^6 red & purple  |
1 | 18 oct 96 |
sue hintz re: looking for ^6 red & purple  |
1 | 14 oct 96 |
searching for apprintiship...  |
1 | 9 oct 96 |
looking for the nea's website address  |
1 | 4 oct 96 |
gallery looking for artist's  |
1 | 3 oct 96 |
looking for wheel in washington dc area  |
1 | 27 sep 96 |
looking for john mason  |
2 | 26 sep 96 |
looking for ^9 glazes  |
1 | 24 sep 96 |
looking for 2nd hand kiln in the nethderlands  |
1 | 20 sep 96 |
looking for ^6 red and purple  |
1 | 13 sep 96 |
looking for kiln in washington dc  |
1 | 10 sep 96 |
searching for a supplier  |
1 | 8 sep 96 |
looking for representative  |
3 | 20 aug 96 |
looking for a silver raku glaze  |
4 | 12 aug 96 |
looking for tenmoku recipes  |
1 | 11 aug 96 |
looking for raku classes in toronto  |
1 | 10 aug 96 |
searching for source  |
2 | 9 aug 96 |
looking for colemanite  |
1 | 11 jul 96 |
looking for slab roller/selling pugmill  |
3 | 7 jul 96 |
looking for hi-fire kiln plans & burners  |
2 | 23 jun 96 |
looking for a book....  |
1 | 20 jun 96 |
student looking for wheel....  |
2 | 3 jun 96 |
looking for david pendell  |
1 | 27 may 96 |
looking for workshops  |
1 | 15 may 96 |
looking for ideas on new gas kilns  |
2 | 14 may 96 |
looking for porcelain workshop  |
1 | 6 may 96 |
barbara looking for black  |
1 | 5 may 96 |
searching for graduate programs  |
2 | 1 may 96 |
looking for apache clay  |
1 | 29 apr 96 |
looking for david pendel  |
1 | 24 apr 96 |
looking for dan triece  |
1 | 22 apr 96 |
searching for tony martin,  |
1 | 16 apr 96 |
looking for a good used wheel  |
1 | 14 apr 96 |
looking for clay  |
2 | 13 apr 96 |
looking for 2nd hand kiln in the netherlands  |
2 | 8 apr 96 |
forward: looking for raku artist  |
2 | 7 apr 96 |
looking for ernest wilmeth ii  |
1 | 2 apr 96 |
looking for josh miles  |
1 | 24 mar 96 |
search for ingredients  |
1 | 20 mar 96 |
looking for potter in maine  |
wanted |
4 | 26 jul 12 |
wanted: pottery ideas for birthday dinner  |
4 | 12 mar 12 |
medical--stroke caregiving advice wanted  |
2 | 26 may 11 |
wanted: sublet in nyc area  |
1 | 30 jan 11 |
sewage ( just so cool, i wanted to share it...) relevent to 's=  |
1 | 30 jan 11 |
sewage ( just so cool, i wanted to share it...) relevent to 'susta=  |
3 | 1 jan 11 |
burning off unwanted glaze  |
4 | 28 feb 10 |
kiln wanted  |
2 | 18 jan 10 |
wanted to say woo hoo ... but it was a little early have a pro=  |
1 | 16 jan 10 |
wanted to say woo hoo ... but it was a little early have a problem=  |
9 | 18 may 09 |
ideas wanted: why pottery for non-majors?  |
1 | 9 jun 08 |
wtb:potters wheel  |
2 | 4 apr 08 |
ceramics roomate wanted in nyc  |
1 | 27 feb 08 |
room at the omni wanted  |
1 | 27 feb 08 |
roommate wanted  |
3 | 29 dec 07 |
crock maker wanted  |
1 | 12 dec 07 |
wanted- kiln gently used  |
2 | 4 nov 07 |
wtb: extruder and slabroller  |
2 | 13 oct 07 |
wtb: jewelry or doll kiln  |
2 | 9 aug 07 |
=?iso-8859-1?q?re:=20=a0=20=a0=20=a0=20japan=20tour=20wanted?=  |
1 | 27 jul 07 |
japan tour wanted  |
3 | 4 jul 07 |
ceramic fibre fastener source wanted/ceramic buttons  |
2 | 30 jun 07 |
wanted: old electric  |
6 | 29 jun 07 |
ceramic fibre fastener source wanted  |
1 | 21 may 07 |
help wanted in china...  |
7 | 28 apr 07 |
potter wanted - afghanistan  |
1 | 28 mar 07 |
just wanted to know if this thing was still on  |
2 | 28 mar 07 |
just wanted to see if this thing was still 'on'...  |
5 | 26 mar 07 |
question about clays & opinion wanted on a glaze  |
1 | 30 jan 07 |
s.ontario driver wanted  |
2 | 11 dec 06 |
unwanted gifts  |
3 | 1 dec 06 |
wanted: show tent near sc area  |
1 | 27 nov 06 |
fine contemporary crafts wanted for 2007 sales season (5/20-10/15)  |
2 | 20 jul 06 |
articles wanted  |
21 | 10 may 06 |
cookie jars wanted  |
1 | 7 mar 06 |
whomever wanted plans for a homemade clay mixer....soldners anti  |
13 | 9 feb 06 |
wanted  |
5 | 31 aug 05 |
kiln builder wanted  |
3 | 20 aug 05 |
kiln bui wantedolsen updraft kiln kit ready to set  |
5 | 19 aug 05 |
wanted old small electric kiln can be not working  |
3 | 5 aug 05 |
close call/wanted you to see  |
1 | 9 jun 05 |
wanted- small, hot and easy  |
1 | 27 apr 05 |
wanted-kiln near ohio  |
1 | 11 apr 05 |
[potterbarter] wanted kiln in iowa  |
1 | 22 feb 05 |
help wanted -- director, genesee pottery  |
1 | 12 jan 05 |
help wanted -- executive director  |
1 | 1 dec 04 |
wanted used kiln  |
1 | 29 sep 04 |
oval or front load kiln wanted  |
24 | 8 sep 04 |
wanted soldner mixer  |
1 | 5 sep 04 |
wanted soldner mixer - bogus response  |
1 | 5 sep 04 |
wanted soldner mixer - or,  |
9 | 5 sep 04 |
wanted soldner mixer -> when i said 15k i meant 8k  |
3 | 21 jul 04 |
electric kiln wanted  |
1 | 21 jul 04 |
wanted: a place to stay in hawaii  |
2 | 10 jul 04 |
wanted: used electric kiln  |
1 | 9 jun 04 |
teacher wanted nyc  |
2 | 7 may 04 |
used electric kiln wanted in new jersey  |
1 | 3 may 04 |
gas kiln technician wanted  |
6 | 21 jan 04 |
any advice if i wanted to purchase a wheel?  |
2 | 29 dec 03 |
not wanted on the voyage  |
3 | 28 dec 03 |
indroduction & cheap kiln wanted  |
1 | 28 dec 03 |
introduction & cheap kiln wanted  |
1 | 16 dec 03 |
wanted- mixer  |
1 | 13 dec 03 |
wanted: small, used gas kiln  |
3 | 25 nov 03 |
beta testers wanted for glazemaster 2.0  |
1 | 18 nov 03 |
wtb wheel in wi or il  |
1 | 1 oct 03 |
wtb magazine backissues  |
3 | 20 aug 03 |
baby train kiln (longer than i wanted it to be)  |
1 | 27 jul 03 |
small kiln wanted-nyc area  |
1 | 10 jun 03 |
just wanted to say ....  |
1 | 7 jun 03 |
** critical ceramics: critique submissions wanted **  |
4 | 29 may 03 |
glaze info wanted  |
1 | 8 may 03 |
fw: re: wierd wacky ideas wanted  |
9 | 8 may 03 |
wierd wacky ideas wanted  |
1 | 19 apr 03 |
used small kiln wanted  |
2 | 27 mar 03 |
suspicious glaze materials wanted  |
1 | 24 mar 03 |
volunteer craft teachers wanted in belize  |
1 | 3 mar 03 |
info re nseca and cal. wanted  |
1 | 23 feb 03 |
pioneers wanted  |
3 | 21 feb 03 |
wanted: janet mansfield work  |
1 | 19 jan 03 |
unwanted materials  |
1 | 13 jan 03 |
ot: roomie wanted/dc area  |
1 | 12 jan 03 |
ot: roomie wanted in dc area  |
2 | 12 jan 03 |
wanted: lara andreson ceramics  |
1 | 3 jan 03 |
clay and glaze combos_advice wanted  |
3 | 20 dec 02 |
test kiln wanted  |
2 | 20 dec 02 |
wanted: test kiln construction plans  |
1 | 7 nov 02 |
richmond, va potters wanted  |
2 | 7 nov 02 |
wanted! jun kaneko work.  |
1 | 27 oct 02 |
wanted don reitz ceramic!  |
1 | 19 oct 02 |
cynthia bringle wanted!  |
1 | 19 oct 02 |
used equip wanted  |
1 | 7 sep 02 |
wanted: toshiko takaezu  |
10 | 31 aug 02 |
50 ml syringes wanted  |
1 | 31 aug 02 |
wanted! toshiko takaezu  |
5 | 27 jul 02 |
substitute wanted for fishing line  |
2 | 30 may 02 |
possible prevention for unwanted transmission of viri  |
1 | 27 may 02 |
hoax: possible prevention for unwanted transmission of viri  |
4 | 15 apr 02 |
wanted: kiln  |
2 | 3 apr 02 |
small kiln wanted  |
2 | 14 mar 02 |
olympia, wa communion set wanted  |
2 | 17 feb 02 |
presenters wanted - kelowna clay festival  |
2 | 12 feb 02 |
new kiln wanted  |
2 | 6 jan 02 |
nececa roomy wanted  |
1 | 5 dec 01 |
wanted: 13 amp kiln  |
1 | 29 oct 01 |
used press wanted  |
3 | 24 oct 01 |
die maker wanted  |
5 | 17 oct 01 |
used kiln wanted  |
1 | 30 sep 01 |
glaze chemistry equations wanted/ kilnvisor news  |
1 | 22 sep 01 |
wanted: 3 phasic electricity connection diagram  |
1 | 12 sep 01 |
i wanted to create  |
1 | 10 sep 01 |
unwanted clay - a solution  |
2 | 19 aug 01 |
drivers wanted  |
1 | 10 may 01 |
wanted: used babykiln  |
1 | 6 may 01 |
wanted gas kiln in b.c.  |
1 | 23 apr 01 |
pottery teacher wanted  |
1 | 21 apr 01 |
wanted:  |
1 | 9 apr 01 |
wtb books  |
1 | 9 apr 01 |
wtb wheel  |
1 | 3 mar 01 |
glaze ideas wanted  |
2 | 27 feb 01 |
glaze idea wanted  |
3 | 15 oct 00 |
sculptor wanted to make a figurine (i will pay you for your work )  |
2 | 28 sep 00 |
wanted in motown  |
6 | 25 sep 00 |
answer wanted to salting problem. probably bad clay  |
2 | 18 sep 00 |
sculptor wanted to make a figurine (on commission)  |
9 | 1 aug 00 |
wanted: booth for shows/advice too  |
2 | 29 jul 00 |
tigers eye glaze - info wanted  |
5 | 22 jul 00 |
info wanted: fertilizer glazes  |
1 | 23 apr 00 |
kiln selection advice wanted  |
1 | 16 apr 00 |
fw: wanted: electric kiln  |
3 | 7 apr 00 |
tr: wanted  |
1 | 6 apr 00 |
tr: wanted-kilns  |
1 | 28 mar 00 |
wanted: unstable glazes  |
1 | 9 feb 00 |
wanted: pottery instructor, nyc  |
5 | 8 feb 00 |
wanted kenzan  |
1 | 17 jan 00 |
mini-mixer wanted  |
1 | 15 jan 00 |
ceramic resident wanted  |
6 | 15 jan 00 |
mini mixer wanted  |
1 | 12 dec 99 |
who wanted the horse glaze?  |
2 | 8 dec 99 |
potter wanted  |
1 | 17 nov 99 |
teacher wanted  |
1 | 13 sep 99 |
wanted: experienced pro. potter  |
2 | 2 sep 99 |
gloudestershire uk potter wanted please  |
3 | 30 aug 99 |
used electric kiln wanted  |
2 | 12 aug 99 |
fw: glaze wanted  |
3 | 6 aug 99 |
glaze wanted  |
3 | 6 aug 99 |
wanted:oatmeal glaze.  |
1 | 28 jul 99 |
a wanted poster  |
2 | 30 jun 99 |
posters wanted  |
4 | 10 jun 99 |
dream kiln: your input wanted  |
1 | 20 may 99 |
wanted: used slide projector  |
2 | 11 may 99 |
buckle maker wanted!  |
1 | 23 apr 99 |
sf east bay teacher wanted  |
1 | 18 apr 99 |
critical ceramics: art writers wanted  |
1 | 17 apr 99 |
=?iso-8859-1?q?clasps_wanted_=28verschl=fcsse=2c_broschennadeln=2c_ideen_?=  |
1 | 9 apr 99 |
used electric test kiln wanted  |
1 | 11 feb 99 |
critical ceramics: writers wanted  |
2 | 30 jan 99 |
help wanted  |
2 | 19 jan 99 |
c 6 electric glazes wanted  |
2 | 30 dec 98 |
wanted: kiln sitter w multiple automated settings  |
2 | 15 dec 98 |
"deady hall" info wanted  |
4 | 27 nov 98 |
wanted: legends, fables about clay or potters  |
2 | 15 nov 98 |
thanks ron-unwanted drips gone  |
2 | 16 oct 98 |
suggestions wanted on what to do with new kiln  |
2 | 13 oct 98 |
unwanted drips  |
1 | 9 oct 98 |
lodging help wanted  |
1 | 29 apr 98 |
ceramics assistantship wanted  |
2 | 23 apr 98 |
creative director wanted  |
1 | 25 feb 98 |
wanted! used kiln, ca  |
7 | 30 jan 98 |
voice of experience wanted  |
2 | 18 jan 98 |
wanted: japanese ceramics experts  |
1 | 3 jan 98 |
decorating supervisor wanted  |
3 | 5 nov 97 |
wanted nc potters that wholesale  |
1 | 17 oct 97 |
wtb: used wheel  |
1 | 4 oct 97 |
please post this: test kiln wanted  |
1 | 26 sep 97 |
wtb: electric potters wheel!!!  |
2 | 30 aug 97 |
wanted: quality ceramic sites  |
4 | 5 aug 97 |
inclusion pigment info wanted  |
1 | 3 aug 97 |
address wanted  |
1 | 28 jul 97 |
wanted: employment/placement  |
1 | 28 jul 97 |
wtb: potters wheel in the georgia area  |
2 | 16 jul 97 |
pottery sales rep wanted  |
1 | 25 jun 97 |
work experience wanted  |
2 | 9 jun 97 |
wanted: source for pin frogs  |
3 | 7 jun 97 |
wanted: source for in frogs  |
1 | 15 may 97 |
electric kiln wanted in santa cruz ca area  |
1 | 30 apr 97 |
the answer you've always wanted..  |
3 | 11 feb 97 |
kindly souls with good memories wanted  |
1 | 23 jan 97 |
wanted: gas kiln or plans  |
1 | 13 jan 97 |
unique flower pots wanted.  |
1 | 19 dec 96 |
publisher wanted  |
1 | 16 dec 96 |
used gas kiln wanted  |
1 | 5 dec 96 |
gas kiln wanted  |
1 | 2 dec 96 |
potters supply in maine wanted  |
1 | 1 dec 96 |
advertisement ideas wanted for: 1st annual clayarters'  |
1 | 1 dec 96 |
hare fur glazes wanted  |
3 | 18 oct 96 |
wanted: kiln switches  |
2 | 13 oct 96 |
kiln advise wanted  |
1 | 11 jun 96 |
ceramic engineering director wanted  |
2 | 30 may 96 |
sculptors wanted  |
1 | 11 may 96 |
wanted: used electric kiln in nc  |
1 | 29 apr 96 |
help wanted: sculptor  |
1 | 24 apr 96 |
wanted: information regarding ma programs  |
1 | 22 apr 96 |
wanted kiln  |